Dealing with stress when you have a disability


The disability spectrum is vast and wide, so vast that not every disability is well-known or even seen. It’s this level of invisibility that’s left many on the side-lines in some areas of society. And, as the UK goes into a recession, there’s a lot of discussion surrounding disabled people and how society mustn’t forget them.

If you are disabled or know someone who lives with a disability, there are several ways you can help to reduce the stress and anxiety that comes to many living with everyday disabilities. We’ve listed some below for you.

Make your surroundings pleasant

Everyone’s home is their escape from the outside world, and the last thing you want is to be in an area that doesn’t make you feel safe. Investing in a good sofa, a mattress that won’t need replacing in a year and de-cluttering items that you haven’t worn or used for some time will all help. For some, certain modifications may need to be made, which you may be able to get help for. However, ensuring your house is a safe space should be your number one priority.

Invest in a wheelchair adapted vehicle

If you have a wheelchair or use a mobility scooter, getting from A to B can sometimes be hard. Especially if you’re relying on public transport. Investing in a specific car designed for those with living with mobility issues will help to remove so much stress. You can buy or rent these from places like Allied Mobility, which can come in handy for long journeys – like when going on holiday.

Speak to your doctor

Sometimes, you may feel like everything is out of your control, and just because you have one type of disability, that doesn’t mean you can’t have another. Stress from day to day life can lead to other issues like anxiety or depression, and it’s important to seek help if you feel everything is getting on top of you. And, if you have a loved one you’re concerned about, reach out to their GP or doing some research into ways you can help if they won’t seek immediate help.

Build a support network in

Finally, this is the most important element for anyone living with a disability. Creating a support network of friends and family is key to helping to reduce stress. While we all feel we can do everything alone, that isn’t always the case, and it’s important to have people around you that you can reach out to and ask for help when needed. Sometimes, even going to the shop can be difficult, and knowing you have someone to get you a loaf of bread can lift a huge weight off your shoulders. And, if you know you have a friend who may need help, make sure you check in on them to see if you’re needed, as some people don’t want to be a burden, even when they’re not.

Hopefully, with these few tips, those stress levels should start to be reduced for those living with a disability.


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