Ensure You Can Let An Addicted Person Know What Drugs Are Costing Them During An Intervention


Addiction is a horrible disease to try to battle. Many people who’re addicted to drugs don’t realize that the addiction may be costing them more than just their health. Holding an intervention for someone you love that is addicted to drugs can help spark a desire to get help. If you plan to hold an intervention for someone you love, consider talking about what addiction is really costing them. The guide below provides key points to bring up during an intervention that might not have been thought about.

Discuss the Long-Term Effects the Drugs Could Cause to Their Body

Often people with addiction only care about the fact that they like the way that the drugs make them feel. Talk to them about the damage that drugs cause to their organs, brain, and even teeth. Let them know that the drugs are known to rot teeth to a point beyond repair. Moreover, they could end up with dentures at a very early age, if the drug use continues. Even though, the internal damage that the drugs are causing may not be visible to the naked eye, it’s important to speak about the damaging effects on the liver, kidneys, lungs and even heart. If the individual claims that no damage is done, suggest a doctor visit to have tests run. Tests can show just how badly the drugs really are affecting him or her. Seeing proof that there’s been damage to the body and mind may encourage the decision to get help for the addiction.

Discuss How Drug Addiction Could Cost Them Their Job

There are many addicted individuals who assume many jobs that don’t require drug tests for employment are available. Hence, the person can use drugs and won’t have to worry about an employer finding out. Explain that even if an employer doesn’t drug test regularly, drug testing could occur at any time. Or, an accident could happen, and the insurance company may demand drug testing for proof that the person wasn’t under the influence when the accident took place. If your loved one fails the drug test, he or she could lose the job. If it’s a job the person really likes, knowing the chances of losing it could be the wakeup call needed to get help right away.

Discuss That Addiction Could Cost Them Relationships

People with drug addiction live in a delusional state of mind. It’s a common assumption that they believe everyone will love them no matter what. Moreover many people believe that individuals with addiction don’t care what people think and assume that the drug use can continue without it affecting the relationships in their life. If this is the case, knowing that friends and family members don’t want to be around drugs is essential. People with addiction need to know that they aren’t the same when doing drugs and that loved ones are worried. When you have an intervention, it’s best to come from a place of concern rather than a place of anger. Knowing that they’re loved will serve as more of a motivator to get help than knowing the people in one’s life are disappointed or angry. Difficult negative emotions can spark anger or depression, which could lead to even more drug use.

Discuss That Addiction Could Cost Them Their Freedom

Many with addiction hear false narratives constantly from others with the same problems. An example is about how minor the punishments are for getting arrested with drugs or drug paraphernalia. Look up the laws in your jurisdiction and present the information to your loved one. You need to provide detailed information about what could happen, if they’re arrested for being under the influence of drugs, are caught in possession of drugs or of drug paraphernalia. Knowing that there are serious consequences associated with the addiction could help your loved one to reconsider their actions to avoid long-term repercussions.

Discuss That Addiction Could Ruin Other People’s Lives

When a loved one has addiction, he or she often has a one-track state of mind. It’s not uncommon for an individual to assume that the addiction affects only them and that everyone else is just over reacting. Talk to your loved one about how his or her choices are affecting other people too. Many don’t realize that the example being set for younger people around them is poor and could be destructive. Being reminded that he or she should be a role model for young ones to emulate may be helpful. Or that the example being set is something they would never want someone else to follow can motivate an addicted person to go to rehab to overcome the addiction.

Discuss That Addiction Could Ruin Their Financial Future

Drug addicted people often only worry about the money needed for the next fix. Talking with your loved one about how financially destitute the drugs are making their life can make it more apparent that his or her future isn’t going to be bright if the drug use continues. Knowing that getting a job will be more difficult and that saving money will be impossible may enforce the fact that the addiction could limit the ability to have a solid future.

If your intervention works and your loved one is ready to get help, go to a rehab facility that offers in-patient treatment options. The first step of Sarasota detox can be hard for a person to battle on their own. This is because the symptoms that come with detox can seem unbearable. Certain medications can be prescribed at a rehab facility for treating and lessening the detox symptoms. Also, to ensure the proper support from trained professionals is provided to help him or her work through the physical symptoms and the mental anguish experienced with detox. When the drugs leave the body, your loved one will think clearly and may be able to turn back into the person they were before the substance abuse began.


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