What Supplements to Take for Psoriasis and Does Vitamin D Help?


Psoriasis is a prevalent skin complication with symptoms such as red and scaly patches in different parts of the body. Scientists are still researching to find a cure for psoriasis. Since the disease has no cure, you can only manage its cyclic symptoms. You can change your lifestyle and habits that contribute to psoriasis by taking the right diet.

According to scientists, psoriasis’s leading cause includes injury on the skin, strep throat, weather changes such as dry and cold conditions, bug bites, stress, and sunburn. Getting enough Vitamin D and supplements for psoriasis can help you manage the symptoms.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Psoriasis

There is a connection between vitamin D deficiency in our bodies and psoriasis. Experts say that lack of vitamin D in the body does not cause psoriasis. However, when you lack sufficient vitamin D, you are not likely to have healthy skin. This means you are more vulnerable to different skin complications, including psoriasis. Lack of vitamin D in your body makes you susceptible to psoriasis and other infections.

Your body gets vitamin D when sunlight strikes the skin. For this reason, you are more likely to get infected with psoriasis during the winter when it’s cold and there is little or no sunlight.

The primary triggers to psoriasis are dry skin and little sunlight exposure. When you have psoriasis, you have an accumulation of dead cells on your skin. This is because when you have psoriasis, new cell growth happens fast. It usually takes a month for new skin cells to develop and rise to the outer skin. When you have psoriasis, the development of new skin cells happens much faster.

Ideally, when you have psoriasis, you are more likely to cover the affected area with clothes. This way, your body is not exposed to sunlight, reducing Vitamin D conversion in your body.

Test for Vitamin D deficiency

Since lack of vitamin D in the blood makes you more vulnerable to psoriasis, it is essential to test it. Find out the amount of Vitamin D in your blood by going for a blood test from a certified clinic. When you take a blood test, your Vitamin D level should range between 20 and 30 ng/ml. In case you have a low Vitamin D, it is advisable to take some oral Vitamin D supplements.

Taking a blood test for vitamin D level is the first step to helping people with skin problems, including psoriasis. Although a dosage of oral vitamin D supplements does not cure psoriasis, it improves your chances of fighting the disease and dealing with the symptoms.

How you can deal with psoriasis naturally

1. Don’t cut down on eating fish

If you want to prevent many skin diseases, you should cut down on how much protein you take in your diet. However, as you do that, you should not remove fish from your diet. Fish species like herring, salmon, sardine, and mackerel have omega-3 and fatty acids useful for healthy skin.

The anti-inflammatory properties found in omega-3 can help your skin to deal with psoriasis. If you’ve been diagnosed with psoriasis, it is advisable to take cold-water fish at least once a day.

2. Reduce stress levels

Stress is another indirect cause of most diseases in the body. When you are stressed, your body does not function properly, which affects your hormonal balance. Many cases of psoriasis are related to stress.

Extended stress can often result in psoriasis in adults. Therefore, you can try meditation and yoga to reduce your stress levels. Cheer up and take a lukewarm shower before going to bed, and activate the feel-good hormones.

3. Keep off fragrances

Yes, fragrances and skin roll-ons can make you smell good, but they can also induce psoriasis. If you want to prevent psoriasis from catching your skin, you should always avoid using skin fragrances.

Most skincare products contain dyes that are harmful to your skin when used extensively. Always avoid these products, and if you must shop for one, go for those with sensitive skin labels on them.

4. Bask on the sun

Another way of reducing your vulnerability to psoriasis is exposing your skin to sunlight every day. That means you should bask in the sun for pleasure when you can.

When you expose your skin to UV rays or go for light therapy, you suppress skin cells’ growth that psoriasis trigger. However, you should beware that too much sunlight can also worsen your psoriasis condition. So, you should consult your doctor when you have psoriasis and you want to bask in the sun.

If you want to reduce the risk of getting psoriasis, you should stick to a healthy diet. Take foods rich in vitamin D, and don’t forget to use the right skincare products.


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