What To Look For In A Pediatrician


A pediatrician is a doctor who specializes in children’s health. They diagnose, treat, and manage the medical needs of infants up to 18 years of age. A pediatrician will play an essential role in your child’s life. It would help if you interviewed several pediatricians before deciding which one to choose as your child’s primary care physician. If you live in Argyle, Texas, try searching for Carrie Jones, MD. When evaluating pediatricians, you should look for the following:

State Licensing

All pediatricians must meet the exact requirements set by their state’s licensure board and the American Board of Pediatrics to practice medicine. State licensure and board certification sign that the physician has met these minimum requirements for training and experience. Licensing is an important consideration, but it does not guarantee that a particular physician will be the best one for your child.

Board Certification

The American Board of Pediatrics certified pediatricians through its Diplomate program. Less than 20 percent of all practicing pediatricians are board-certified by the ABP, so finding one who holds this distinction will give you an indication of this doctor’s level of training and expertise. Board certification in pediatric medicine is not required for licensure or practice. Still, it can be a helpful tool when choosing between two doctors that meet all other licensing requirements.

AAP Membership

The American Academy of Pediatrics, founded in 1930, is the largest pediatric organization in the United States. The AAP comprises pediatricians, but it also includes nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, and physician assistants who work with children. Being a member of this association does not indicate that your pediatrician has any particular qualifications or training specific to pediatrics. Still, it does show support for the goals and objectives of the AAP, which is to promote children’s health and well-being.

Communication Skills

The quality of your doctor-patient relationship will be affected by how well you and the pediatrician communicate. Patients should feel comfortable asking questions about their child’s health or any treatment plan. It would help if you chose a pediatrician who will make time for this communication and one who listens to concerns and answers questions thoroughly.

Quality of Service

The quality of the services provided is equally important. You should choose a pediatrician that will provide you with information regarding any changes in your child’s health status, instructions for taking care of your child when they are sick, and instructions on when to call for an appointment. It would be best if you also looked for a pediatrician available to you in an emergency. A pediatrician can help you navigate the complex world of healthcare and provide valuable input on any decisions you make regarding your child’s health care.

Dedication and Experience

You can get a sense of how dedicated and experienced your pediatrician is by looking at the number of years that they have been in practice. Your pediatrician should also have experience working with your child’s specific health concerns, such as if they suffer from ADHD, autism, allergies, diabetes, or heart problems. Some pediatricians specialize in certain age groups, such as newborns or adolescents. If you have a child with special health care needs, look for pediatricians who specialize in that area.

Learning about your pediatrician’s education, training, communication skills, services offered, years of experience and dedication, and membership in the AAP will help you choose one who is suitable for your child.


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