What You Need to Know About the Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance


A hormonal imbalance can create total havoc in your life. While it doesn’t seem like a small shift in the chemicals produced by our bodies should be able to dramatically impact our lives, the truth of the matter is that the entire balance of our bodies is reliant on hormones – and when those hormones start changing, we usually have to deal with the consequences. At Naples Vitality in Naples, FL, Dr Linell King believes that education should come before treatment, particularly for treating hormone imbalance symptoms.

Hormonal imbalances happen at various points during our lifetimes. Our first hormonal imbalances occur during puberty, where secondary sex hormones are produced at higher levels. Eventually, those hormones level out for most of our adolescent and adult life, until the natural aging process kicks off the decline in production of these hormones.

Men and women each rely on different hormones to regulate bodily functions. For men, andropause occurs when testosterone levels begin to dip, while menopause begins for women when estrogen levels decline. However, the most common signs of hormonal imbalance for both genders include:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Mood swings
  • Weight gain
  • Loss of muscle strength
  • Hair thinning or thickening
  • Dry and thin skin
  • IBS
  • Low libido
  • Low sexual sensitivity
  • Difficulty with sexual activity
  • Hot flashes
  • Excessive sweating
  • Thirst and appetite changes

Does Everyone Have the Same Symptoms?

Generally speaking, men tend to experience more sexual changes, hair changes, and muscle strength changes than women. Women, on the other hand, are more prone to hot flashes, skin changes, weight gain, and mood swings. Both men and women can experience depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbance issues.

That said, everyone will experience hormonal changes differently. Two people of the same age, gender, and ethnicity may not experience the same symptoms or even the same symptoms to the same degree. This is part of what makes treating hormonal imbalances so difficult.

What Contributes to Hormone Imbalance?

Many factors can contribute to hormonal imbalances. Aside from aging, other causes could include diseases, medication, obesity, and environmental or lifestyle habits. Determining which of these factors are contributing most to your hormonal imbalance will take time and a thorough examination from a physician.

Can You Do Anything to Change Hormone Imbalance?

There are some things you can do to try to change the impact of hormonal imbalance symptoms on your life before you turn to medication or hormone therapy. For example, losing some weight may help balance some hormone production, or altering your sleeping habits. A physician will be able to guide you to try the best non-medicinal treatments for your hormone imbalance.

Understand Hormone Imbalance Symptoms to Restore Balance to Your Life

The symptoms of hormone imbalance are many and varied, and no two people will experience these symptoms in the same way. But understanding your symptoms and identifying the causes of these symptoms can go a long way to helping you restore balance to your life. To learn more about how to understand these symptoms, contact Naples Vitality in Naples, FL today.


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