Understanding When is the Right Time to See an Orthopedic Specialist

Orthopedic Specialist

No one wants to live with pain, especially if it is due to bone, muscles, or joint issues. Most people do not even know who to see when they are in pain and discomfort. Their first point of contact is a primary care provider who can refer them to an orthopedic surgeon at McNulty Spine for specialized care. But before your physician directs you to an orthopedic specialist, here are a few ways to help you determine if you need specialized care.

How to know if you need orthopedic intervention

By the time your doctor sends you to an orthopedic specialist, it means your bone or joint discomfort is beyond their control. It happens when you experience the following symptoms:

  • You have trouble performing basic tasks

An active person should perform everyday activities effortlessly and free from pain. If the last time you tried lifting your coffee mug and you realized that it felt like lifting a bag of cement, you could be having orthopedic-related issues. Your doctor might recommend medications or physical therapy to relieve your pain. But if the pain surpasses these medical interventions, it might be time to seek an orthopedic remedy.

  • The pain persists

Acute pain should last a few days, depending on what caused it. If your pain goes beyond three months, your doctor might refer you to an orthopedic specialist to treat chronic pain. When it gets to this point, it means your pain is beyond superficial causes.

  • You have difficulty performing a range of motion

Stiff joints make it difficult to perform a range of motion. If it gets to a point where taking rest does not seem to work, you could be battling orthopedic issues requiring specialized treatment. Please do not wait until it gets to a point where you cannot use your wrist to turn a doorknob or have trouble climbing stairs because your knees feel stiff. See an orthopedic specialist to determine which of your bones is not functioning normally.

  • You had a soft tissue injury that does not improve with conventional treatment methods after two days

Accidents that cause soft tissue injury can make you lose your ability to perform basic tasks. The first thing your doctor does after your accident is to perform first aid. But when it gets to a point where treatment options seem not to work after two days, an orthopedic specialist can help you. Soft tissue damage can also affect athletes at risk of developing fractures, dislocations, and tendon tears. If this describes you, see an orthopedic specialist for treatment.

You do not have to live with pain associated with joint, muscle, or bone issues

One of the main reasons orthopedic medicine was introduced is to treat people living with pain beyond superficial causes. The longer you postpone the idea of seeing an orthopedic surgeon, the higher your chances of experiencing more discomfort. It does not have to get to that point. You can still restore your quality of life by making the right decision. To understand how chronic pain is treated, schedule a consultation with McNulty Spine today.


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