Understand What it Entails to Enhance Your Breast Size

Enhance Breast Size

Breast augmentation is surgery to increase breast size and volume. You may resort to this surgical procedure if you are unhappy with how your breasts look. While others seek this procedure for cosmetic concerns, some need it the same to reconstruct their breasts. Breast volume may reduce following pregnancy and significant weight loss. If breast augmentation has been top of your list, a consultation with your cosmetic surgeon at Bellmawr urgent care may help in your decision-making. Here are the things to consider before you schedule for surgery.

Factors to consider before breast augmentation

· Breast implants do not last forever. They have an average lifespan of approximately ten years. Exceeding that time puts you at risk for implant rupture. Even after the procedure, other factors such as aging and weight gain or loss can alter the appearance of your breasts. You may need more surgery if you wish to correct that.

· Breastfeeding can be challenging after surgery. However, this is not applicable in all women as others breastfeed with no difficulties.

· Implants used to increase your volume will not prevent your breasts from sagging. Your surgeon may recommend combining augmentation with a breast lift if you wish to correct sagging breasts.

· Additional surgery is necessary in the case where you need to remove the implants. You may also need a breast lift after the removal of implants to restore your breasts’ appearance.

· Mammograms become complicated if you have breast implants. Additional specialized views are required for patients with breast implants.

What to expect during surgery

Most of the time, the surgical procedure uses general anesthesia, but there are cases where surgeons use local anesthesia. The type of anesthesia used depends on what you and your surgeon discussed during the consultation. There are three different approaches that your surgeon may use for breast augmentation. They include:

· Inframammary. Here, the surgeon makes an incision on the crease area under your breast.

· Axillary. The cut is made under your arm.

· Periareolar. Your specialist makes an incision around your nipple.

An incision allows the surgeon to create a pocket for the implant. After implant placement, the surgeon closes the incision with stitches.

After breast augmentation

Expect the usual side effects such as soreness and swelling after the procedure. Bruising can also be present. These effects can last up to several weeks. Your doctor may prescribe pain-relieving medications to ease the discomfort. During this time, your breast implants require extra support, and for this reason, your specialist may ask you to wear a compression bandage or sports bra.

Depending on the nature of your job, you can resume work after several weeks. For example, patients with less demanding jobs can go back to work after a few weeks. However, it would be best if you took some time off strenuous activities such as heavy lifting or anything that could heighten your blood pressure. Remember that your breasts will be sensitive to physical contact during this period, which is why you should think through the activities you can and cannot do.

If you have decided to go ahead with surgery, book a consultation with your doctor at Live Urgent Care to learn how to prepare for breast augmentation.


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