Why You Should See Your Doctor for Period Pain

Period Pain

Experiencing a familiar feeling of pain in your abdomen is often an indication of the beginning of your periods. Such moments may make you go for remedies such as ibuprofen or heating pads to calm the pain. Some people experience such pain that cannot be relieved by common treatments. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, most women who undergo menstruation experience cramps in the first few days of their periods. Painful cramps can get in between your normal days and interfere with your work. Some of the pain may be managed; however, severe and chronic pain needs medical attention. If you are experiencing painful periods in Orlando, Contemporary Women’s care can help you manage the pain. The specialist will diagnose the cause of the pain and offer treatment to improve your general health.

When should I see the doctor for period pain?

All women’s bodies vary from each other. Therefore, it can be hard to tell whether the pains you are experiencing are normal or chronic. The following signs and symptoms should indicate the right time to see your doctor:

  • If you are experiencing pain that interferes with your daily work
  • If the pain persists for two days or more
  • If the over-the-counter drugs fail to relieve the pain
  • Cramps that occur outside the period

How is period pain diagnosed?

Though menstrual cramps occur due to your period, painful cramps that interfere with your everyday life should be checked by the doctor. When you visit your doctor, they will ask questions and conduct tests to establish whether you have a problem and offer appropriate treatment. Your doctor will ask about your medical history, symptoms, physical examinations you have ever undergone, and the results. The doctor will then conduct a physical exam to check your weight, blood pressure, temperature, and height. Your doctor may then ask when the period pain started and if you have ever had any pap smears.

Your doctor may ask you to describe the pain, whether it is sharp, burning, or stabbing. Tell your doctor the exact location of the pain and whether it is spreading to your back or thighs.

Your doctor may then carry out lab tests such as a pap smear, and if you are sexually active, sexually transmitted infections may be checked. If necessary, your doctor may order imaging tests to check your uterus.

What are the medical treatments for period pain?

  • Medical treatment of your period pain will depend on its severity. If another disease such as a sexually transmitted infection is causing the pain, your doctor will first treat the condition. Other medications to treat the pain may include:
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by the doctor
  • Pain relievers such as acetaminophen
  • A hormonal birth control to hinder ovulation, thus preventing the pain
  • The doctor will also prescribe you antidepressants to deal with mood swings due to post menstrual syndrome (PMS).
  • If all other treatments have failed, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove endometriosis, fibroids, and or cysts.

Do not assume period pains as they may indicate the presence of an underlying condition. Visit your doctor and explain your situation. Monitoring changes in your health is essential, and you do not have to stay with the pain. Remedies such as over-the-counter drugs, massaging with heat or ice, and regular exercises may help relieve the pain. If such fails, consult your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.


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