4 Tips to Help You Start a Yoga YouTube Channel


Online yoga has taken off in the last decade. There are so many excellent yogis creating online videos and lessons, so anybody can learn yoga from the comfort of their own home, without needing to pay for a class. This has made yoga more accessible for everybody because it’s affordable and easy to fit around your busy schedule.

If you are passionate about yoga and you want to share it with the world, you should consider starting a yoga channel. However, there are a lot of well-established channels out there already, so if you want to get viewers and gain some traction, there are a few key elements you need to get right. Follow these tips if you want to start your own yoga YouTube channel.

Invest in Good Equipment

Firstly, you need to invest in some good equipment. If you are filming videos on a phone or a cheap webcam, the production values will be awful and you won’t be able to compete with the other big yoga channels. You’ll need a good camera and a good quality laptop, like a Lenovo, to edit and upload videos. You don’t need to invest in the most expensive camera that you can find, but a decent mid-range DSLR camera will allow you to shoot high-quality videos. It may be worth investing in some basic lighting setups too, so you can avoid dark and grainy videos.

Decide on a Niche

You might wonder what this means because surely yoga is your niche.However, there are already other people doing yoga, so what are you doing that sets you apart? There are lots of different niches you can go for. Maybe you want to do gentle yoga workouts for older people or people that are recovering from an injury? You could also do more energetic workout-style yoga videos. On the other hand, you might decide to focus on meditation and the spiritual benefits of yoga.

Start by thinking about what drew you to yoga in the first place and what you love about it. Consider the different types of yoga too. Then, you can get an idea of where your niche should be. Make sure that you are clear about this before you start making videos.

Film a Backlog of Content

It’s tempting to film a video and upload it straight away, but consistency is crucial if you are going to get your channel off the ground. So, you should film a backlog of content before you start posting. That way, you can post every week and start building a following. When you are planning your first videos, search online to see what else is out there and come up with unique yoga practices.

Advertise Yourself onSocial Media

Finally, you need to advertise your channel to get more people to watch your videos. Social media is the best way to do that. Create profiles for your channel and start posting your videos there. You can also look for yoga and meditation groups on Facebook and post videos there.

These basic steps will help you get your channel started, just remember that the most important thing is to be unique.


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