How to Choose the Right Yoga Mat for You

Yoga Mat

A new Yogini trying to make the entire experience as enjoyable as possible? Or, a long term enthusiast that practices every day, or at least occasionally, when you have the time? Whichever category you’re in, you’ll need to get properly equipped for your sessions. Starting, of course, with the right yoga mat.

As the most important piece of equipment, a yoga mat will either make or break those sessions. Meaning, it will either add to the overall enjoyment, or make it difficult for you to do the exercises. Which scenario would you prefer? Well, that’s a question that’s quite easy to answer, because we’re all always striving for the best in all the aspects of our lives, including this one. Put simply, you’ll want to find a yoga mat that will be perfect for you and that will make your practice sessions super fun and enjoyable.

The question is, however, how to do that. While we do all strive towards perfection, the truth is that a lot of people often make the wrong choices here and wind up being unhappy with the mats they’ve chosen. Why, though? Because they don’t consider all the important factors that need to be considered and because they, instead, decide to wing it and make a random choice, thinking that all the mats are pretty much the same.

Well, in short, they aren’t all the same. And, you need to consider quite a lot of significant factors when choosing among the various yoga mats on the market and when aiming at selecting the best one for you. If unsure of which factors to consider, reading on will definitely help you, as I’ll provide you with some tips you should use when going through the choosing process. With the help of those, you’ll certainly get to make the right decision and choose the perfect yoga mat for you.

1. Consider Your Body Type

Did you know that the type that will be best for you depends on your body type? This is something people usually don’t consider, thinking that everyone can easily practice on any surface, regardless of their body types, which is not true. Keeping your height in mind is important, as you don’t want to choose a mat that will be too short for you. And then, there’s also the fact that you may have had some injuries, or that some parts of your body may be more sensitive, in which case you’ll need to be careful when choosing the thickness of the mat.

2. And the Type of Yoga You’re Planning on Doing

If you meet two Yoginis in different settings, you could wrongfully put them into the same category, thinking they do the same exercises. And yet, there are quite a lot of different types of yoga, and you may not be able to identify with any of those two Yoginis you’ve met, given that you’re planning on doing something completely different. Deciding on the type of yoga you’re planning on doing will also help you decide on the mat you should use. The types that involve more complex movements will require more traction, for example, and then there’s also “hot yoga” that will require a mat made specifically for those purposes, slip-resistant among other things.

3. As Well As Where You’ll Be Doing It

Are you planning on doing the exercises at home, in a studio, or outdoors? A rather important question as well, because the location should have an impact on the mat you’ll choose. A lightweight one is perfect for people practicing outside and in studios, as well as for people travelling a lot and planning not to neglect their trainings during those travels. On the other hand, if you’re practicing at home, you won’t have to worry about this at all.

4. Check Materials

The materials you’ll choose will have a direct impact on the quality of the mat. And, since you want it to be of great quality and last for a long time, you’ll want to select the perfect materials as well. The prices can, of course, play a big role in this decision as well, especially if you’re choosing between PVC and eco-friendly materials, since PVC mats will be much cheaper than those sustainable ones made from, for example, natural rubber or eco-polyurethane. Of course, the latter ones provide for a better grip. If price isn’t an issue, always go for the sustainable ones, as they’ll be better both for you and for the environment.

5. Remember That Thickness Matters

Choosing appropriately thick mats is certainly important as well. And, selecting the right thickness, of course, depends on your needs. If you’re planning on mostly doing seated yoga, a thicker one may come in handy, while a thinner mat will be great for standing and balance poses. Apart from that, people that have knee issues or that have had certain injuries in the past could benefit from a thicker mat as well, because it will be gentler, thus not causing pain in the joints while you’re exercising.

6. Choose One That’s Easy to Store

Considering your storage options is also a must. The best thing to do, of course, is select a mat that is compact and easy to store, as well as easy to carry around, if you’re planning on taking it with you when traveling. While in the store, test the mat out by rolling it up a couple of times, as that will help you get a clear idea on how easy it will be to store it.

7. Read Some Reviews to Check Overall Quality

Since you want to get the best ration of quality and price, and you definitely don’t want to compromise quality in the process, you could benefit from reading reviews written by other Yoginis that have bought the mats you’re considering. Checking their comments will give you a clear idea on the overall quality of the products. And, of course, through the reviews, you may also be able to check all the other factors mentioned above, meaning they’ll be of great help in the choosing process.


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