Understanding & Treating Sleep Apnea in Idaho Falls


Idaho is the 12th least populated state and when compared to the rest of the United States of America, which offers a very peaceful lifestyle. In the past few years, people have started to settle down in Idaho in search of livelihood as it provides all the basic amenities and a beautiful location. The state of Idaho is mountainous and is blessed with excellent geographical terrain, which attracts many tourists and adventure enthusiasts. In the past few years, Idaho has had new schools and colleges being developed for a younger crowd, and it has excellent infrastructure and necessary facilities such as hospitals, supermarkets, and other service providers.

Idaho is a very peaceful place to settle down; however, that does not mean that people here do not suffer from health problems. Since the state is increasing in population each year as it is becoming an increasingly attractive place to move. With the increase in population, the stress has started to build up, which can be seen in increasing outpatient appointments in the local GP and the local hospital. One of the disorders which have become an increasing concern is Sleep Apnea in Idaho Falls.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea in Idaho Falls is a prevalent disorder that is often mistaken as snoring and is generally ignored; however, there is a significant difference between snoring and Sleep Apnea. The latter needs medical attention, and the former may only cause discomfort for the person who is experiencing it and the person who is trying to sleep beside him or her.

Sleep Apnea is generally caused due to breathing pauses while a person is asleep. These pauses are not harmful and are only a fraction of a second during sleep. A person who is suffering from Sleep Apnea may experience these pauses about 5-10 times in an hour. Once these pauses are over, there is no discomfort in the pattern of breathing, and the person can continue to breathe as they were. However, sometimes a person may experience almost a choking sound in the throat, which seems to be similar to a heavy snore.

If treated, Sleep Apnea does not have any significant consequences, and the symptoms are not life-threatening, if left untreated, it can cause considerable problems. Sleep Apnea in Idaho Falls does not allow the person to enjoy a night of deep sleep, and the person can be woken up from sleep very easily. Therefore, the body and mind do not get an adequate amount of sleep required. This might impact the patient’s quality of life and may restrict them to remain inactive throughout the day. These can lead to further problems such as lethargy and stress. In some instances, when combined with other lifestyle disorders, Sleep Apnea can lead to more significant issues such as; high blood pressure, stroke, obesity, etc. If a timely diagnosis is made, then it is wise to start treatment as soon as possible so that the problem does not become worse. There are different kinds of treatments available, which will help to reduce the symptoms and even put you back on track. Your doctor would be able to advise you on the kind of treatment by finding out what type of Sleep Apnea you are suffering from. Treating Sleep Apnea in Idaho Falls is not difficult and can be treated with ease once the kind of Sleep Apnea is diagnosed. Some of the different types of Sleep Apnea are:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea:

In the case of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, it’s more of relaxation than disruption, which causes the problem. In Obstructive Sleep Apnea, when the person is in a deep sleep, the soft tissues present on the back of the throat relax and cause the problem. When these tissues relax, they block the airways. Due to the blockage, the breathing pattern is obstructed and leads to a loud snore. This obstruction causes the person to wake up multiple times during the night. This is more common with people who are overweight or are trying to cope with a lot of stress in their lives.

Central Sleep Apnea:

If someone suffers from Central Sleep Apnea, the person often complains of a blockage that the brain is not able to send correct signals, making it impossible to control the muscle functions of the airways. This condition leads to a blockage that also causes loud snoring. This kind of Sleep Apnea should be taken more seriously, as it can be due to neurological problems and can be a warning sign for some other major issues. Treating Sleep Apnea symptoms in Idaho Falls becomes even more critical if the patient has other illnesses as well, such as; high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, etc.

How to Differentiate Between Snoring and Sleep Apnea

As mentioned before, there is a very thin line between snoring and Sleep Apnea as far as symptoms are concerned. However, if the condition has been researched well, they might both appear to be similar but are mainly different. Sleep Apnea in Idaho Falls might be brushed off as just regular snoring because not a lot of people know about Sleep Apnea. Many people even feel that snoring might eventually become Sleep Apnea. To find out whether your snoring is just snoring or if it is Sleep Apnea, it is imperative to keep track of the intensity of snores and the frequency of your snoring. Somebody who is snoring will never be able to keep track of this pattern. Therefore, it is vital for the partner or another person to communicate clearly and document the frequency and intensity of snoring.

How Can I Reduce Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea in Idaho Falls is mostly associated with the pattern of breathing due to some obstruction, learning and practicing some simple breathing exercises can help a great deal. Here are some the exercises that have proved to be very beneficial and help in treating Sleep Apnea in Idaho Falls:

  • By placing a finger inside the mouth and holding onto the cheek and then pulling the cheek, muscle helps in relieving the symptoms. Repeat this a few times on both cheeks to reap the benefits.
  • Brush the top and bottom of your tongue just like you would with a toothbrush.
  • Seal your lips or tightly squeeze your lips and then move them from side to side. Over some time, you would see that it helps in soothing your condition.

By implementing simple lifestyle changes, you can also make remarkable improvements with your condition. Here are some of those changes you can make today:

  • Losing weight if you are overweight or obese can help with your symptoms and possibly even get rid of your condition.
  • Quitting smoking and only drinking alcohol in moderation.
  • Cut down on your caffeine intake.
  • Not eating late and trying to get to bed at a regular time each night.
  • Creating a peaceful atmosphere where you rest.
  • Consuming a healthy diet with more green vegetables will help to strengthen muscles present in the throat.

Comfort Sleep Solutions is Here to Help.

If you have tried the above treatments and still do not feel any relief or change in your condition, then it is advisable to consult a doctor. You and your doctor will be able to determine and decide on a suitable treatment for your Sleep Apnea. There are various breathing devices that can be prescribed to help you get a more restful sleep. After home treatment and breathing devices, if you still feel that your condition is not getting any better, surgery may be the option for you in treating Sleep Apnea in Idaho Falls. In several cases, other forms of treatment, such as Reflexology, Aromatherapy, and homeopathic treatments, have been proven to be successful. It has also been found that some people are allergic to a wide variety of things, such as fabrics, pollen, and synthetic clothing. This can also lead to the obstruction of the muscles present in the nose and throat, which leads to snoring or Sleep Apnea. Contact Comfort Sleep Solutions today for your free consultation.


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