How to Cater a Vegan Party

Vegan Party

One of the best ways to host a party is to find delivery pizza specials and call in an order to have the food show up without any work on your part. Who doesn’t love pizza? If you’ve got friends who don’t use animal products, you may be thinking that a vegan pizza party is not in the cards. Most pizzas can be made vegan quite easily.

Quick and Easy Appetizers

You’ll probably need to skip the wings and cheese sticks that you can get from your pizzeria, but head for the deli counter to get hummus, guacamole and bean dip. Pick up some tortilla chips, potato chips and pita bread, and you’ve got a nice plate of appetizers that even your non-vegan friends will devour. Carrot and celery sticks add freshness and color, if that’s your thing. You could always order cheesy bread without the cheese, too.

Love Vegan Pizza

Pizza crusts are typically vegan, made with flour, water, sugar, salt and yeast. Traditional pizza sauce is vegan too. What makes pizza non-vegan? It’s the meat and cheeses. Pizza without cheese might seem like an anathema the first time you eat it, but it’s really quite good. Plus, it’s lower in fat and calories. Of course, you can always ask your pizza delivery if they carry vegan cheese. Ask for extra sauce on your pizza when you skip the cheese to add richness to your vegan pizza delivery.

Go crazy with vegetable toppings. You have to have something on the pizza to make up for the cheese. You can also ask if the pizza chain has other vegan sauces. At Papa John’s, the BBQ sauce is vegan. You’ll have a different flavor combination, even if you have the same vegetables. The Garlic Dipping Sauce is also vegan, as are the pepperoncinis and banana peppers. Remember to order crushed red pepper for your party guests who want something spicy.

Drinks For Vegans

Most major brands of soda are vegan, so order away without guilt. If you want something a little healthier than soda, just go with the basics, tea, coffee and water. Boost the water’s flavor by infusing cucumbers or limes in the water. If you’re serving beer or wine, check the ingredient list to make sure the product is vegan. Many beers are naturally vegan. Wines are a little trickier, not because of the ingredients, but in how the wine is clarified. Some wines use animal products in the finishing.

Dessert Options For Vegans

Although you may not find dessert choices for vegans at your local pizzeria, you can find a lot of vegan options in your grocery store. A plate of cut up fruit with vegan fondue dipping options can be delicious and easy. Search out a specialty food store, Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods for lots of cookie options or vegan marshmallows. You may even find a vegan frozen dessert, like sorbet or an ice cream made from coconut or almond milk.

Get Pizza Delivery

Learn more about how to earn free pizza and have a vegan pizza party. You can entertain all your friends and meet their dietary needs.


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