Choosing a Wedding Customized Wine Bottles

Wine Bottles

In celebrations as important as weddings, you have to have everything “well tied”. Even the smallest detail counts. In addition, how could it be otherwise, the choice of the wine that will preside over all the tables of the banquet is crucial?

That is the reason that encourages restaurants and wineries to have wine cellars, which ensure the good preservation of the Customized Wine Bottles that will be served at weddings and other celebrations.

Tips when choosing wine for a wedding

Here are some useful tips that will help make the choice of wine for a wedding not a nightmare. Take note!

The fear of looking bad because all the bottles of wine have been consumed is combined with the fear of buying too many, and that they end up with more than they have drunk. To avoid this type of situation, the number of guests is usually divided by 2.15. The result of this operation will give the approximate number of bottles of wine that you must have Customized Wine Bottles at the wedding

Taking risks with unknown or very intense wines is not worth it:

First of all we must think of the wedding attendees: the mother-in-law, the brothers-in-law, longtime neighbors, close friends … In short, very different people with very varied tastes. Therefore, it is better that you opt for a known, simple wine that is easy to drink. Only then will you have full guarantees that most will like it!

Food, key to choosing wine:

Before choosing wine, you should take a look at all the dishes that will be served at the wedding ceremony. In addition, it is that the pairing is key to enhance the flavor of both food and wine. In addition, you know that there are wines that cannot be mixed with certain types of food…

Wine experts often advise kicking off a wedding party with a fruity white or a sensational rosé for the reception. Later, when the dishes for lunch or dinner begin to be served properly, it is a good idea to continue with some reserve or aged wine. Therefore, you will surely hit the target!

The secret behind the wine served at weddings

Restaurants that offer the possibility of celebrating weddings are aware of the importance of preserving wine in optimal conditions before serving it at the tables.

Thanks to the use of large wine cellars, restaurants guarantee that the wines will retain all their properties and nutrients. Therefore, the pleasure of drinking a wine in its full essence is assured.

Because a wedding is more than enough reason to make the most of the essence of a good wine, right?

Tips to create the perfect pairing between wine and food for your wedding

The sommelier is usually in charge of recommending food and wine combinations to diners; however, there are basic tips you can follow to combine wine and food yourself correctly.

Pairing, which determines the right combination of wine and food to complement or contrast, in order to increase the delight of diners. Here are the basic rules for creating the perfect pairing of Customized Wine Bottles your wedding party.

For red wines

Light red wines (young) are well accompanied by roast lamb, veal, poultry, pasta, vegetables, paella and sausages. A basic rule: when preparing any type of meat with wine reductions, these are served with the same type of wine that was used in the preparation. Full-bodied red wines (crianza, reserve, gran reserva) are served with dishes with deep flavors such as stews, strong cheeses, stews with various ingredients (textures) and beef tenderloins.

For white wines

Light dry white wines go very well with very white meat seafood such as oysters, lobster, prawns, crayfish and ax tripe. Dry white wines are the accompaniment to squid, cooked, fried or roasted fish, cooked lobster with mayonnaise, ham, lamb chops, octopus and snails.

Sparkling white wines

Champagne and sweet wines are perfect to accompany desserts such as chocolates, cupcakes, puff pastries, and wedding cakes.

With these basic tips, it is very easy to choose the type of wine for your wedding party. If you have any questions, ask directly with your banquet provider, together they will choose the correct drink, although remember that in the end, tastes break genres and the decision of the Customized Wine Bottles to serve at your wedding is yours alone.


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