5 Myths About Child Mental Health

Child Mental Health

Taking care of children is a handful, and it takes a village to care for them. Especially, new parents find it difficult to change diapers, dealing with their temper tantrums, and the never-ending homework battles. But parents of children with mental issues have it more difficult as compared to the rest. A lot of people are unaware of the fact that children can suffer from mental health issues. But studies suggest that one out of five children has diagnosable mental health disorders that significantly interfere with their daily lives. And if you are a parent of a child who shows signs of mental health issues, find a Local Mental Health Therapist who can help your child. You can learn about the myths surrounding children with mental health issues and the fact about them.

Myth 1– Mental health problems amongst children are not real, they are just a part of growing up. Many people tend to believe that mental health issues are not real amongst children, but studies suggest differently. Researchers based on their studies believe that about 70 percent of adult mental illness begins during childhood. These mental issues include depression, eating disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorder. They also suggest that for those who receive help early on their illnesses improve significantly, and they can care for their own mental health better as adults.

Myth 2- People say that a child with mental health issues is damaged for life. However, the fact is that a psychiatric disorder cannot indicate the child’s potential for future happiness and fulfillment. If the right care is provided early on, they have a better chance of overcoming this mental illness more effectively. So, the important thing to keep in mind is that the sooner you seek help for your child’s mental illness, they have a better chance of preventing this condition.

Myth 3- Psychiatric disorder results from bad parenting. Many people tend to believe that mental illness amongst children is caused due to the parents. It may be true in some cases, but it is not entirely right. Yes, the child’s home environment and the relationship with their parents can intensify a psychiatric disorder, but it does by no means cause a disorder. Most psychiatric disorders are rooted biologically including anxiety and depression, but parenting is not the cause.

Myth 4- The child can manage their psychiatric disorder through willpower. People tend to believe that a child can outgrow their mental health issues as they grow and if they have enough willpower. But it is often misjudged, as having a disorder is not mild anxiety or just mood swings. Rather, it is severe distress and a condition that affects all areas of the child’s life. However, a large number of parents are not willing to provide mental health services for their children because of the stigma attached to it.

Myth 5- Therapy for children is a waste of time. Parents think that children with psychiatric disorders will grow out of it as they grow up, but the truth is that they are more likely to “grow into” a more serious condition as they grow. Since treating mental health issues early on can improve their ability to overcome them, leaving them untreated can become more difficult to treat as they transaction into adulthood. Most of these psychiatric disorder surfaces before the child turns 14, so the best thing that parents and caretakers can do is screen the children for emotional and behavioral problems, and then initiate the treatment.

It is essential to stay woke and informed about childhood mental care and encourage screening for children during their developmental years. If you notice that your child is showing signs of mental health issues, find a Local Mental Health Therapist who can provide help.


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