Everything You Should Know Concerning Female Fertility

Female Fertility

Women facing pregnancy challenges can benefit from a workup for infertility treatment. Suppose you have been actively trying to get pregnant and above age thirty-five, your fertility specialists at OC Fertility® can help. Contact the prestigious fertility clinic in Newport Beach, CA, to realize your dream of having a healthy, successful pregnancy.

Causes of Female Fertility

Pelvic organ issues may lead to infertility concerns in women. Some of the common complications include:

  • Uterine or Cervical Abnormalities

Uterine abnormalities include uterine fibroids, adhesions from earlier surgeries, or uterine lining infection. You may also sustain hostile cervical mucus or scar tissue resulting from a prior treatment such as a D & C (dilation and curettage).

  • Ovulation Disorders

These disorders impact your ovaries’ ability to develop or release an egg. Such disorders include Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

  • Early Menopause

Almost one percent of women below the age of forty suffer premature menopause. This problem could lead to the loss of fertility.

  • Fallopian Tube Damage

If your fallopian tubes appear to be blocked or damaged, it may affect your ability to conceive. You may compromise your fallopian tubes due to pelvic inflammatory disease, a uterine infection, or as side effects of a sexually transmitted infection.

Substance use, age, being obese or underweight, and either over or under-exercising can increase your vulnerability to infertility. Most of these female fertility issues can respond to lifestyle changes.

Diagnosing Female Fertility

When you visit OC Fertility, your diagnosis begins with a complete medical history review and your family history evaluation. They also consider information regarding any prior pregnancies and births. Your specialist then recommends specific tests regarding your infertility’s underlying cause and other symptoms, such as irregular bleeding and pelvic pain.

In some cases, testing involves checking your hormone levels to confirm whether you are ovulating. They might also suggest you undergo imaging tests to identify irregularities in the reproductive organs. They also examine the quantity and quality of your eggs.

Some women excel from a hysterosalpingography X-ray that examines their uterus and fallopian tubes for blockages and other complications. If the cause of your infertility is unclear, a minor surgery might be relevant to let the doctors better examine your reproductive organs.

What Minor Surgeries Can Help in Resolving Infertility?

Minor surgery types for infertility include:

  • Hysteroscopy

A hysteroscope is a slender, lighted device that resembles a telescope inserted through your cervix into the uterus. The device transmits an impression of your uterus’ insides on a screen to let the doctors examine your uterus lining and fallopian tubes.

  • Laparoscopy

This procedure uses a unique instrument known as a laparoscope. This device is attached to a camera, letting your doctor view your abdominal and pelvic organs on a television screen. Any identified issues, including endometriosis, can be addressed during the procedure.

Treating Female Infertility

Your infertility treatment will depend on the cause. You may take fertility medications to stimulate ovulation, undergo intrauterine insemination, or surgery to restore your fertility. If your case is unresponsive to other treatments, your options may include in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, or egg donation at OC Fertility.

Bottom Line

You should not give in to infertility when you can benefit from innovative treatments. To understand more about female infertility and your available treatment options, call OC Fertility®, or schedule an appointment online.


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