What Happens During a Dental Exam? Here’s Your Guide

Dental Exam

People often take preventative dentistry for granted. As the name indicates, preventative dentistry is about preventing oral health problems and detecting early signs of potential dental concerns. Regardless of age and other factors, it is crucial to schedule appointments with the dentist periodically (twice every year). If you are looking for Jasper dental exam options, you will find many available clinics. In this post, we share more on what you can expect during a standard dental exam.

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The experience

People usually associate dentists and dental clinics with complicated procedures, pain, and complex tools. A dental exam is nothing of that sort. A standard dental exam can take about an hour, and in some cases, the dentist may also clean your teeth to get rid of plaque close to the gums. There are various types of dental exams, including –

  1. Comprehensive exam. This exam is typically the first dental exam you have with a new dentist. Your dentist will do an oral exam and may order x-rays to find possible signs of dental concerns. A comprehensive exam also consists of oral cancer screening and checking for TMJ. The dentist will also check for early symptoms of gum disease. If you have any potential oral health problems, your dentist will suggest a line of treatment.
  2. Recall exam. Once you have a relationship with the dentist, they will schedule dental exams every six months. These are called recall exams, where the dentist will just do a basic oral exam to see any changes since the last visit.
  3. Urgent or emergency exam. If you have any evident signs of dental problems, such as severe toothache, swelling, or a broken tooth, you will go for an urgent dental exam. This kind of dental exam is required on an emergency basis. Your dentist may order a few diagnostic tests depending on the suspected concern.

There is also a standard screening procedure for oral cancer. If you have a family history of oral cancer, let the dentist know so that they can do a check to find the early signs. It is possible to treat oral cancer successfully with timely diagnosis.

Your dentist may combine a dental cleaning procedure with the standard dental exam if you have plaque. There isn’t any pain during the procedure, and you can expect to go home immediately after you are done. Check for clinics in Jasper and find a reliable one for a comprehensive dental examination.


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