Divorce Mediation: Resolving Your Conflicts Without Fighting In Court

Divorce Mediation

Mediation occurs when two parties cannot resolve their disputes. In family law, this process involves a mediator helping couples negotiate a mutually satisfying resolution and avoid court intervention. Surely, breaking up with your spouse is emotionally exhausting and attending a mediation can make you feel anxious. However, family law attorneys near me who act as mediators do not take sides or determine who is right or wrong. Rather, they will work with both parties, together with your respective attorneys, to help you and your spouse reach a divorce settlement. The following are what you can expect from a divorce mediation:

Guided and Structured Discussions

Your mediator will encourage structured discussions on custody arrangements, asset division, and support payments. Thus, you are expected to disclose your assets and finances, as well as your life goals after the divorce. But, mediation is not a session to unleash your anger towards your spouse. A great mediator will guide your discussions and may cut off a spouse when the discussion seems to go off the rails.

Professional Guidance

During mediation, you and your spouse will determine the outcome of your divorce case with the guidance of a professional. Your mediator gives advice on what you can expect when your case ends up in court and what’s fair or the norm in your jurisdiction. They will provide information in a reasonable way to help you make the best decisions for you and your children.


A divorce mediator is neutral in every aspect of your divorce case. If you end up with a biased mediator, think about getting a new one. Biases in mediation are not allowed to ensure no party will take advantage of the other. Mediation is confidential, affordable, and achieves results.

Although divorce is not easy even with mediation, preparing for it allows for the sessions to be productive. Ensure you stay flexible during mediation, so you can easily come to an agreement on issues with your spouse.

Mediation Can Work in High-Conflict Situations

A mediator employs specific approaches and tools to resolve conflicts between spouses, no matter how high the emotions run. Being a neutral party, they work to minimize conflict between parties without taking sides. They offer each party equal support and encourage the participants to concentrate on the best course of action for them and their families. Mediation can save divorcing parties the expense and emotional strain of a prolonged and chaotic court battle.


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