What you should know about Genital Lesions

Genital Lesions

People around the world are currently exposed to many infections and diseases. Generally, these different infections attack individuals on different body parts. There are those parts that, when infected, people suffer silently since they do not want to share the information with the doctors or other medical practitioners. One of them is the genital lesions that have become very common. For this reason, there has risen a need to educate people about the condition. Suppose you have genital lesions in Fort Worth, worry no more as your condition can be brought into control. Here is what you should know about genital lesions.

What are genital lesions?

Generally, genital lesions are any sores, ulcers, or skin that usually develops on an individual’s genitals. This problem is very common to both men and women. They typically play a significant role in interfering with an individual’s sex life, which lowers their self-esteem. Doctors have developed new and unique techniques to handle this problem.

What are the signs and symptoms of genital lesions?

Generally, the symptoms associated with genital lesions vary from one person to another, depending on the condition’s type. Here are the common signs and symptoms;

  • Painful sores and ulcers.
  • An itching and burning sensation on the genitals.
  • Abnormal discharge from the genitals.
  • Severe pain during intercourse.
  • Genital lumps and bumps.

If you experience the above signs and symptoms, please seek medical attention as fast as possible.

What are the causes of genital lesions?

Individuals generally develop genital lesions from various causes that range from skin disorders to different infections. However, these are not the common causes of this condition. Here are the most common causes;

  • Genital herpes
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Lymphogranuloma venereum
  • Litchen simplex
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Genital warts

Other causes may include molluscum contagiosum and granuloma inguinale. The most common reason for this condition is sexually transmitted infections, and this requires proper treatment procedures before the disease spreads out, causing more harm to the overall health.

How are genital lesions treated?

Before treatment procedures start, doctors usually diagnose their patients thoroughly by examining them to determine the extent of the condition’s spread. This examination helps them develop the best personalized treatment plans to handle the genital lesion an individual is suffering from. The treatment procedures are meant to address the signs and symptoms of the condition. Here are some standard treatment procedures that doctors primarily use;

  • Removal of the lesions
  • Prescribing of medications that reduce the symptoms
  • Taking antibiotics that fight all the infections
  • Topical anesthetics
  • Taking antiviral medications

There are some causes of genital lesions that do not have a cure. The most common being genital herpes. However, doctors advise patients to use antiviral medications that play a vital role in minimizing the chances of genital herpes. Doctors also recommend their patients avoid unprotected sex to prevent getting infected with sexually transmitted infections.

What are the types of genital lesions?

There are three common types of genital lesions. They include the following; Nonpalpable lesions, Palpable lesions, and Elevated lesions.

In conclusion, genital lesions are embarrassing. Individuals should visit the hospital immediately after they experience signs and symptoms associated with it. Reach out to the experts to get the help you deserve.


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