Zantac Lawsuit can Help You Obtain Compensation for Cancer

Zantac Lawsuit

Most people filing ranitidine and Zantac lawsuits claim that these products contain unacceptable levels of NDMA, a probable carcinogen. There is accumulating scientific evidence that NDMA causes cancer. A larger number of attorneys handling the lawsuits that have been filed list cancers like liver, bladder, and stomach cancer as some of the main injuries associated with the consumption of NDMA.

Does Zantac contain NDMA?

In 2019 September, Valisure, a reputable online pharmacy based in Connecticut, informed the FDA that it had detected a cancer-causing chemical NDMA (Nitrosodimethylamine). Traces of this chemical were found in some batches of Zantac drug and ranitidine.

Different retailers such as Rite Aid, Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens pulled both prescription and OTC formulas of Zantac from their stores. Also, 14 generic manufacturers and Sanofi, Zantac’s brand name manufacturer, recalled the drug in the US.

On 2020 April 1st, the FDA announced that it would issue a request for all manufacturers of ranitidine products. The request also included the removal of both OTC and prescription ranitidine drugs from the markets. The recent reports from the FDA show that the agency’s tests confirmed that the drug poses a risk to public health.

Most Zantac lawsuits claim that all the defendants, including Sanofi, knew about the cancer risks associated with NDMA. This is an ingredient found in Zantac. However, these companies failed to issue a proper warning to the public. That means people who developed cancer issues after consuming Zantac may be entitled to compensation.

Note that this isn’t the first time medical experts have found NDMA contamination in drugs. Two years ago, similar contamination led to lawsuits and valsartan recalls. Unlike the valsartan, which is believed to be contaminated during the manufacturing process, there is accumulating scientific evidence that ranitidine forms NDMA in the consumer’s body.

A Zantac lawsuit filed in 2020 February, the US Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation consolidated many lawsuits in South Florida under Robin Rosenberg, a US District Judge. In the transfer order, the panel revealed that most anti-drug cases are likely to be large litigation. As of that time, 140 lawsuits were pending in the MDL No. 2924 that was formed recently.

Should you file a Zantac lawsuit?

According to most lawyers who are accepting Zantac-related claims, the plaintiff must satisfy three important conditions to potentially be eligible to file a lawsuit. First, they must prove that they have been using Zantac. Secondly, you must prove a cancer diagnosis. Lastly, you must establish a connection between the use of Zantac.

If you believe that you have a valid claim, consult with an attorney who can evaluate your claim, gather your medical records, and help you gather medical records and build a strong case.

Generally, the so-called Zantac lawsuit is a complicated issue. Keep in mind that the defendants are likely to have a team of attorneys. You need an expert on your side to fight for your rights. Remember, it’s you against Zantac manufacturers.


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