Enjoy the Best General Surgery Services in Texas

General Surgery

As you advance in age, health problems begin to pop in since your body’s immune system is weak and unable to fight diseases. Your muscles become weak hence you are prone to injuries. Your blood vessel walls weaken, exposing them to vascular problems such as varicose veins. Worry no more about where to get treatment, as El Paso general surgery under Atur Kasha’s care helps fix your vascular problems.

At Desert West Vein & Surgery Center, the specialist will examine to evaluate your condition before formulating your treatment plan. To learn more about their services, call or book online and schedule an appointment. Here are some of the vascular diseases you need to know about;

What are Vascular diseases?

The body’s network of blood vessels is called the vascular system. The system comprises arteries, veins, and capillaries. Conditions that affect the vascular system are known as vascular diseases.

Which are the various vascular diseases?

Aneurysm. It occurs where a weakened artery forms a bulge at the weak point. Due to the weakening of the artery wall, it may burst when subjected to pressure, leading to internal bleeding.

Peripheral Artery Disease. Referred to as atherosclerosis, this disease is caused by the building up of cholesterol and other substances inside the vessels’ walls called plaque. The building up of plaque over time leads to the narrowing of the vessels blocking blood from flowing. This narrowing of the vessels leads to various symptoms depending on where it happens, such as;

  • The coronary artery blockage causing chest pains or even heart attack
  • High blood pressure or heart failure due to blockage in the kidney
  • Stroke if the blockage occurs on the carotid vein which supplies blood to the brain

Deep Vein Thrombosis. It normally occurs when blood clots within a vein inside a muscle, mostly on the lower leg, thigh, or pelvis. This occurs due to; injured veins, damaged valves in a vein, lack of exercise, or genetic disorders.

Varicose Veins. This disorder develops when the veins’ valves are unable to close, causing blood to flow in all directions when muscles relax. The result is bulged veins under the skin. Clots may form in the veins since the blood is moving slowly in the veins.

Lymphedema. The lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump like the heart and relies on muscle contractions to keep the lymph moving. If the vessels are not working right, fluid may build up in one place, causing swelling. This is referred to as lymphedema. It’s normally caused by serious injuries, infections, or even surgery.

Raynauds Disease. It occurs when one feels stressed or feels cold, which causes the blood vessel to narrow, temporarily shutting down the blood supply to the areas affected, such as the toes or fingers.

Risks associated with vascular diseases

These risks vary depending on the specific disease. Some of the factors include;

  • Age – The risk of developing some diseases increase as one grows older
  • Standing or sitting for long hours
  • Smoking habits
  • Injuries or infections to the veins
  • Lack of exercises
  • Diabetes can affect the heart

Is vascular disease treatable?

Lifestyle change can act as a form of treatment for vascular diseases, such as;

  • Regular exercise
  • Eating healthy to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol
  • Avoiding tobacco
  • Managing stress
  • Surgery in case of a serious case to widen or clear a vessel

We all need to have a fully functional blood circulation system to live a healthy life. If you suffer from any of these listed conditions, please make sure you contact Desert West Vein & Surgery Center or book online.


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