Cleaning Out Your Medicine Cabinet The Right Way

Medicine Cabinet

What should be done with medicine that is no longer required? Can you flush it, throw it in the garbage, or pour it down the sink to keep it out of the hands of the wrong people? Regrettably, depending on the chemical composition of the medicine, improper disposal may contaminate the water source. As a result, not only marine life but also human health are endangered.

Several disposal methods have previously been recommended to help prevent unintended child usage or to deter people looking for opioids. In contrast, medication was not intended to be removed from water by septic systems or wastewater treatment plants. Medication-related compounds have now been found in streams across the country, as well as in our drinking water.

Please check the infographic below for more information on how to dispose of medications safely.

Disposing of Medication Properly from Medix Pharmacy

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