Everything You Need to Know About Knee Injuries

Knee Injuries

Orthopedic injuries are tears to your ligaments and other injuries sustained by the musculoskeletal system. Strenuous activities and old age may cause orthopedic injuries. Ligament injuries are sources of discomfort and great pain. Some ligament injuries, such as knee injuries, impede mobility and transit to adulthood in some patients. Intense knee injury requires specialized treatment such as Hyattsville anesthesiology. Orthopedic surgeons in Hyattsville use state-of-the-art technology and advanced medical procedures to remedy your ligament injuries. In this article, we delve into knee injury and the remedies to knee pain.

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Knee injury

A rupture to your cruciate ligament causes injury to your knee. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) stabilizes your knee joint and prevents your legs from giving in to the weight of your torso. Strenuous activities such as sports or a collision of significant magnitude may cause your ACL to tear. Immense pain accompanied by inflammation occurs when blood flows into the knee space. Other knee pain causes include torn meniscus, knee bursitis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Signs of a knee injury;

  • Swelling and stiffness at the knee cap
  • Inability to fully stretch your knee
  • Difficulty in walking up and down steps
  • Limping
  • Locking of the knee
  • Redness of the knee cap

Solutions to a knee injury

Medical specialists have made massive strides towards curing and caring for knee injuries. Futuristic orthopedic solutions leverage intrinsic biological processes to heal your wounds. Here are workable solutions to a torn ligament:

  1. Orthopedic surgery

Orthopedic surgery alleviates your ligament tears by using specialized cells to regenerate tissue and repair the torn ones. Regenerative orthopedics uses mesenchymal stem cells, which can develop into cartilage and bone tissues. Before surgery, Cone Beam Computed Technology takes and analyzes X-rays of your tears to determine where an incision will be made. Sometimes orthopedic surgery involves implanting a titanium rod with ligatures to the injured tissues to enable it to withstand impact. Orthopedic surgeons in Brunswick use PRP technology to speed up the recovery process.

  1. Physical therapy

Prolonged strenuous activities on an already injured tissue cause some orthopedic injuries. The rapid escalation of ligament injury from grade 1 to 3 is induced by the continued impact on damaged soft tissue. Physical therapy enhances post-surgical recovery by strengthening muscles around your torn ligaments. Physiotherapy involves mild exercises that leverage your muscles’ ability to contract and muscle-memory retention. These exercises restore functionality gradually to your knee. Physical therapy may employ the topical application of pain relief medication and yoga exercises to make the process seamless. It is imperative to consult your medical provider before signing up for a physical therapy session to determine less strenuous therapy options.


Orthopedic injuries may cause serious health complications if not treated early. Specialized care of your knee injuries is paramount to a speedy recovery. It would be best to visit orthopedic specialists when you feel even the slightest discomfort in your ligaments. Seeing an orthopedic center is the wisest thing you will do concerning your ligament health.


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