Grow and Restore Your Hair with David Mayer, the Best Hair Specialist in New York

Hair Specialist

Imagine the event of losing all your hair. Hair loss can be a traumatic experience that can lead to low self-confidence and esteem. Young and old alike, no one wants to experience balding. The main cause of hair loss is health conditions and cancer medication. If you or your loved one are suffering from any form of hair loss, Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Centers has got you covered. Led by David A. Mayer MD, the practice provides extensive diagnosis and treatments to restore your hair and improve your life.

Who is David A. Mayer, MD?

Dr. Mayer is a board-certified surgeon specializing in hair restoration and hair transplant services in Hauppauge, New York. With more than 30 years of experience, he excels in serving his patients with quality and outstanding care. His career journey started at the Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York City, where he received his Doctor of Medicine. Later Dr. Mayer completed his surgery residency at New York-Presbyterian Hospital.

After practicing surgery for more than 30 years, he launched Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Centers. Besides working at his practice, he also serves as a director for surgery in one of the hospitals in New York. Dr. Mayer also teaches at various medical schools as an associate professor in clinical surgery.

The top-rated hair restoration expert is highly qualified, having performed thousands of successful hair restoration procedures. He guarantees his patients an excellent experience and results. Dr. Mayer is offering a same-day hair restoration procedure. Patients adore him for his welcoming gestures, caring soul, and his sense of humor. Due to his passion for medical practice, he continues to publish and present his medical research work. Dr. Mayer looks forward to meeting you in his office for hair restoration treatments. Call or book online for an appointment.

What services does Dr. Mayer offer?

Together with his highly skilled and competent team, Dr. Mayer offers comprehensive and compassionate care for:

  • Thinning hair
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Men’s hair loss
  • Follicular unit extraction
  • Hair loss prevention
  • Strip procedure follicle unit transfer
  • Female pattern baldness
  • Men and women hair loss

The board-certified team at Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Centers treats one patient per day to ensure the effectiveness of their treatments. They develop customized treatment plans to meet the desired needs of the patients. The state-of-the-art facility uses advanced, innovative, and minimally invasive procedures to offer the most natural-looking results. They use a robotic hair restoration system that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to select the most healthy hair for harvesting. The system also predicts results, providing high efficiency.

Dr. Mayer dedicates his life to providing excellent hair restoration treatments to help men and women in New York live quality lives. The board-certified surgeon leads his highly qualified team to provide comfortable and convenient care for strong, healthy, and natural-looking results. They use the latest technology and most advanced procedures to provide the best hair restoration and transplant treatments. Their treatments usually take a day allowing quick recovery for patients. Dr. Mayer provides quality and personalized treatments for hair loss problems, thinning hair, and baldness. Visit their offices today to grow and restore your hair.


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