Know More About Fatigue


Nowadays people have become very active in terms of exercising and sporting activities that make them feel sleepy and exhausted. This is normal as the body requires enough sleep and rest due to much exercise. Resting helps the body to cool down. You may find out that sometimes you still feel exhausted even after resting for long periods. The body gets fatigued, a condition that people ignore. Fatigue in Lawrenceville center has been made easier as they have helped differentiate it from sleepiness and dizziness. In the discussion below, we shall discuss what causes fatigue and ways of managing it.


Fatigue is a feeling of being completely exhausted even after long hours of sleeping and resting. Fatigue makes the body want to continue resting and sleeping more than usual. The major difference between sleeping and fatigue is that your body remains active after sleeping, and you can carry out your daily routines.

On the other hand, fatigue makes you uncomfortable when you cannot carry your daily activities because the body still wants to sleep. If proper actions are not taken immediately, the problems may be ongoing with no signs of stopping.

Signs and Symptoms of Fatigue

The signs and symptoms associated with this condition may vary. This depends on the causes and the type of fatigue you are suffering from. However, the following are common signs and symptoms of fatigue:

  • In most cases, you experience muscle weakness, pain, and aches.
  • An individual feels less motivated or lacking motivation completely.
  • Severe headache.
  • An individual’s mood changes every time, and this makes them feel irritated every time.
  • It becomes difficult for an individual to concentrate fully.
  • An individual feels drowsy even during day time.
  • Slowed response to time is also a major symptom.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, visit a hospital immediately as you might be suffering from fatigue without you knowing.

Causes of Fatigue

The leading causes of this condition are physical and mental health conditions as well as lifestyle factors. If you have mental health issues, you are likely to suffer from the disease. Lifestyle habits such as not exercising make the body weak to the extent that it wants to continue resting.

Other common causes include the following:

  • Overweight, people with excessive weight get fatigued quickly.
  • Chronic pain such as back pain and fibromyalgia cause fatigue.
  • Long hours of inactivity.
  • Insomnia is also a major cause.
  • Poor nutritional habits, such as lack of a balanced diet makes the body become fatigued immediately after eating.
  • Too much consumption of alcohol and caffeine will make you feel exhausted even after long hours of sleep.
  • Mental problems such as anxiety and depression have proven to be major causes of fatigue.

Research also shows that heart-related problems such as asthma may cause fatigue.

Diagnosis and Treatment

A doctor diagnoses an individual through physical exams to help review the symptoms. Several tests are also done to determine what is the actual cause of your fatigue. After the test, doctors may choose from a variety of options that will suit your symptoms. They include:

  • Changing sleeping habits.
  • Hormone treatment.
  • Regular exercises.
  • Physical therapies such as yoga.
  • Changing eating habits.

Need Help Against Fatigue

You don’t have to continue suffering from fatigue anymore. Visit Interventional Pain Management Specialists located in Lawrenceville, NJ, today. They will help you get over the condition completely.


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