Questions To Ask Your Facial Plastic Surgeon

Facial Plastic Surgeon

If you’ve never had plastic surgery, then there’s a good chance that you have no idea where to start when it comes to the questions you should ask. Many people tend to be intimidated when questioning medical professionals. However, it’s essential that you get the answers that you need to feel comfortable about the procedure that you’re interested in. Dr. Andrew Jacono MD, FACS, one of the top facial plastic surgeons in NYC, has listed out some questions to help narrow this down and to ensure that the facial plastic surgeon you choose is right for you.

  1. Have you been board certified?

The best surgeons are those that have board certification. Board-certified surgeons are extensively trained in facial procedures. They have a minimum of five years of approved training, which includes a residency, and have passed comprehensive oral and written exams. And most importantly, they’ve demonstrated their ability to prevent and deal with any emergencies that may arise during the surgery. Ask the surgeon if he or she has been certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This is the only board that the American Board of Medical Specialties recognizes.

  1. Are there risks associated with the procedure?

No matter how routine a procedure is considered to be, there’s bound to be some risks. There could be complications such as infection or excessive blood loss. Many surgeons even refuse to do the procedure if they feel as if the patient isn’t a good candidate and that the risks are too great. Even though these types of complications are usually rare and advancements and are being made constantly, it’s important to know what you should expect.

  1. Where will you perform the procedure?

Before signing up to work with a surgeon, you need to find out where the procedure will be performed. In a lot of cases, the surgery will be done in a hospital. The procedure may be performed in an outpatient ambulatory center. There’s also a chance that the surgery will take place in the surgeon’s office.

The location of your procedure will depend on how complex it is. The doctor will consider several factors such as any health conditions you have and your age. While hospitals tend to be more costly, they help to ensure that you remain safe. This is especially the case when it comes to lowering your risk of infection.

  1. Do you have references?

Plastic surgery can be life-changing. And that’s why it’s so important that you speak with individuals who’ve been treated by the surgeon. The best surgeons come with great references and glowing reviews.

While your doctor may not offer a list of his previous clients, due to confidentiality laws, he or she can allow you to speak with these individuals and give you an account of their experience. Not only will this give you a better idea of the doctor’s bedside manner and skill, but it will also let you know what you should expect when it comes to the recovery process. If the surgeon turns down your requests or seems reluctant to connect you with previous patients, it may be a red flag.

  1. May I see samples of your work?

Not only should you ask to speak with previous clients, but you should also ask to see examples of their previous work. You may feel as if you’re being rude by asking for proof of the surgeon’s handiwork, however, it’s important to keep in mind that this is a big decision. Before agreeing to work with them, you must do your due diligence.

Most plastic surgeons have before and after pictures that they make readily available to all of their clients. The best surgeons will volunteer this information before you even ask. Take a look at their work and make sure that the results are aesthetically pleasing and what you have in mind.

  1. What happens if I’m not satisfied with your work?

One of your biggest concerns is likely the outcome of the surgery. Specifically, you need to know what options you have if you’re not completely satisfied with the results. Perhaps you didn’t get the features that you imagined or the things that you ask for don’t quite suit you. Even if the surgeon is skilled, there’s always a chance that you may not like the outcome.

Find out what steps you would need to take in this case. Has this happened to them in the past? If so, what protocol did the individual follow? It’s a good idea to remain open-minded about the situation.

  1. What can I expect during the recovery process?

Another important aspect of your surgery will be the recovery process. You need to know what you should expect after the procedure is complete. Ask the surgeon how long will it take until you can get back to your regular activities.

Find out the limitations you’ll have during your recovery period. What kind of side effects will you experience? What can you do to make sure that the recovery process goes as smoothly as possible? Are there any complications that you should be on the lookout for?

  1. What fees are included?

When it comes to the cost of your procedure, there are a lot of factors involved in addition to your surgeon’s fee. For instance, you can expect to pay for things such as the operating room, anesthesia, lab fees, and more. Request an itemized list of what you’ll be paying for. This ensures that there are no surprises.


Many patients are hesitant to ask questions. They don’t want to say anything that would offend or aggravate the surgeon. However, asking thoughtful questions will help you to ensure that you get the results that you’re looking for. The best surgeons will be happy to give you as much information that you need so that you’re able to make an informed decision.


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