Some Essential Blood Test That You Must Get Done Periodically

Blood Test

The human body is a complex machine comprised of numerous components, or in this case, organs. Constructing a program for the wellbeing of each individual would be impossible, given the complexity of our bodies. Individually investigating each organ is not optimal either. Therefore, examining our blood — a tissue and fluid known to interact with all our organs — helps determine most, if not all, of our illnesses. Here are some crucial blood tests you must get done periodically.


The test mainly revolves around the core organs and their functionality, such as kidneys, liver, and blood cell count. A comparison between the attained values and the standardized values get generated. The standards vary relative to the age and gender of a person. The metabolic panel focuses on the performance of your organs and indicates if you have a decontamination or inflammation issue.

If the values do not lie in the optimal range, the doctor can effortlessly diagnose the problem you may have. The blood count test relates to your blood cells count, such as your white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), and platelets. An infection is likely to be identified with this test, alongside clotting or anemic issues. Furthermore, the test is often conducted annually for an individual’s physical examination. It is very detailed, offering a wide array of information at a very cheap cost. Most of the laboratories, including Primex Labs, provides the test service, and the person can inquire of the details from the staff conveniently.


Our body consists of numerous glands, and one such gland is the thyroid. Your thyroid produces and discharges several hormones that help maintain the vital functions of the body. However, this hormonal discharge also requires mediation, and for that, the TSH controls the secretion levels. The thyroid activity is subject to vary, leading to a few known problems. Hyperthyroidism occurs with increased thyroid activity, meaning your blood levels are below average. Similarly, hypothyroidism relates to low thyroid activity.

The symptoms of thyroid imbalance are challenging to identify. A person may have multiple symptoms or little to no symptoms at all. Thyroid imbalance and other hormonal imbalances can cause some problems. An irregular heartbeat, fatigue, and cold/heat intolerance are some examples.


Testosterone is a hormone common among both genders, although in different magnitude. Key aspects such as muscle mass and libido, fall under the domain of testosterone’s regulations. Moreover, a small percentage of testosterone freely flows in the bloodstream. An imbalance in these levels can lead to a few distinct issues.

For men, the imbalance may result in fat accumulation in the abdominal region, along with cardiac diseases and depression. While for women, the imbalance may cause a fluctuation in estrogen levels, often resulting in genitalia-related problems. Therefore, keeping your testosterone levels in check is crucial for both men and women.


Like testosterone, estradiol is the free-flowing form of estrogen. Estrogen affects men and women differently. Women produce large amounts of the hormone compared to men. It has effects on the physical features of women that help determine sexual maturity and menopause status. An increased level of estrogen can put women at risk of breast cancer. Low levels of estrogen can increase the likelihood of bone fracture and osteoporosis for men and women alike.

Additionally, estradiol helps maintain bone density but may cause several problems for men. Increased levels of estrogen in men can lead to breast enlargement, as well as a weakened libido. The individual may also face problems when urinating.


By far, the most efficient means of assessing blood sugar levels for the past few months. The test also allows doctors to foresee any future cardiac diseases, regardless of diabetic status. Hemoglobin A1C is a vital test for patients with diabetic issues. The accuracy of results is considerably high, without getting influenced by any minor fluctuations.

A1C also provides oxidation levels. Increased oxidation levels can lead to protein and DNA damage, making it critical to monitor. Moreover, experts recommend monitoring the hemoglobin A1C values closely, keeping them under check. Doing so will result in diminished chances of diabetes.


The enlargement of the prostate is a common occurrence among men. Although it does not necessarily point towards cancer, the risk still exists. The prostate is responsible for making PSA, a protein. Excessive levels of PSA are an indicator of an enlarged prostate. The elevated values can also be due to a urinary tract infection.

Generally, the test is very beneficial for us to determine our PSA levels, as well as the risk of cancer. However, elevated levels of PSA rarely lead to prostate cancer. Most often, only a minor infection is the culprit.


Vitamin D is among the most vital vitamins our body requires. It helps control the calcium and phosphate levels, which keep our bone structure and muscles in shape. Vitamin D deficiency is common among the aged. The lack can lead to several problems such as decreased bone density, weak immune system, cardiac issues, and even depression.

D-25 hydroxy test is known for its accuracy, measuring an individual’s vitamin D levels swiftly and correctly. Before conducting the test, you must not have eaten for at least 4-8 hours. Similar to other tests, the doctor will collect your blood with a quick finger prick.


The metabolism of methionine causes the formation of homocysteine, an amino acid. Elevated values of homocysteine increase the likelihood of contracting cardiac arrest and bone fracture. Moreover, gradual increases in the levels will result in an increased risk of coronary artery disease.

Studies indicate healthy males with high homocysteine levels were three times more likely to suffer a heart attack. Physicians have also determined homocysteine as a major factor for bone fracture and macular degradation.


The ability to get an assessment of our body with a few drops of our blood proves how far we have come. It would be a waste for anyone who avoids availing the help of such a powerful tool. The tests are simple and easy to read, requiring no medical-background whatsoever. Thus, enabling society to maintain a better and healthier lifestyle.


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