Is coffee really harmful for your health or it’s just a myth?


The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an office of the World Health Organization, has brought down the danger classification to which coffee is relegated. A working gathering of 23 researchers broke down the carcinogenicity of coffee, ready mate and hot beverages. On the off chance that you are looking for ” is caffeine a carcinogen?” at that point you are at the best spot.

It’s dangerous because it’s hot

The research was directed by a gathering of 23 researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in ten nations. So as to discover joins between hot beverages and the chance of cancer, scientists took a gander at around 1,000 unique investigations. They inferred that drinking extremely hot refreshments, whose temperature surpasses 65 degrees C, may build the danger of esophageal cancer.

The specialists reached this resolution dependent on concentrates in which individuals who expended hot beverages had cancer more regularly than the individuals who drank colder beverages. The relationship with dreariness stayed high even in the wake of altering and amending for different carcinogens.

Creature considers have additionally uncovered that their utilization of high temp water likewise builds the danger of esophageal cancer. In the two creatures and people, this is in all probability brought about by consumes to the sensitive tissue of the throat, which can prompt fast cell changes and ensuing cancer improvement.

Acrylamide in coffee

Coffee is considered by numerous individuals to be unfortunate because of the acrylamide it contains (bunch 2A). Notwithstanding, does it contain enough of it for us to think about it?

As indicated by the FDA, 2 teaspoons (5 g) of ground coffee contain approx. 1.4 µg of acrylamide. Moment coffee from 2 teaspoons (4 g) is about 2.6 µg of acrylamide. Nonetheless, the best wellspring of acrylamide in the cheap food diet is: French fries, crisps, popcorn, treats, gingerbread, wafers and sticks. Yet additionally bread.

Coffee is not carcinogenic

The rundown of carcinogenic substances incorporates, among others handled meat, singed nourishments and DDT pesticide. While hot beverages have now been added to the stock also, coffee isn’t plainly named a carcinogen, as indicated by an ongoing WHO report. This brings down its effect on dreariness contrasted with the past investigation in 1991, when it was recognized as carcinogenic. As indicated by specialists, there is lacking proof that coffee is carcinogenic, yet it has not been discovered to be innocuous.

The non-carcinogenic capability of coffee appears to negate research on hot beverage utilization. The vast majority drink hot coffee. In any case, the arrangements of these two variables are not so much fundamentally unrelated. Individuals who devour coffee have a lower rate of specific kinds of cancer (counting liver). Nonetheless, these are not places that are influenced by hot beverages. Liquids interface with the mouth, throat, throat, and stomach, and these are the most defenseless.

Expending hot beverages and coffee, while it can prompt cancer advancement, is unquestionably less risky than different energizers.

Anti-cancer properties of coffee

Many studies suggest that coffee may lower the risk of several types of cancer. According to AIRC (American Institute for Cancer Research), there is strong and probable evidence that coffee reduces the risk of liver and endometrial cancer. Some studies even suggest that drinking coffee regularly reduces the risk of liver cancer by 40%. There is also some (limited) evidence that coffee may reduce the risk of mouth, throat, larynx and skin cancer.

Effect of coffee on other diseases

It is surprising how many diseases can be affected by drinking coffee and cancer happens. No wonder that the Nutrition and Food Institute has recently added coffee to the health pyramid – as one of the elements of a healthy diet.

Coffee and diabetes

Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. And this is not a weak relationship, because drinking 1 cup a day reduces the risk by 8%, and by as much as 33% with 6 cups.

Coffee and heart disease

Coffee contains diterpenes (cafestol and kafeol) – substances that can raise LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and homocysteine. On the other hand, these substances have a wide spectrum of activity, incl. it is them that we owe to the anti-diabetic effect of coffee and protection of the liver against cancer. Diterpenes can be found in boiled and unfiltered coffees and espresso. However, they are almost completely absent in filtered (paper) and instant coffee. I would recommend such coffees to people with elevated cholesterol levels.

Coffee and Alzheimer’s diseases

Drinking coffee probably reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. There is no undisputed evidence yet. However, more and more studies and meta-analyzes are appearing – some of them even suggest that coffee may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by 30–65%.

Coffee and depression

Finally, one of the most interesting facts about the effect of coffee. Well, coffee (most likely due to the caffeine it contains) has an antidepressant effect. It promotes the production of neurotransmitters that improve mood. Not only does it reduce the risk of depression, it even lowers the risk of suicide.


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