Understanding What is Involved in a Neck Lift Procedure
A neck lift in Reston is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess skin and fat around your jawline, giving you a defined facial contour and younger-looking skin on your neck. You may consider this surgical procedure if you are unhappy with the aging effects, such as skin laxity. Although a neck lift is combined with a facelift most of the time, it can be done solely. Most patients look and feel their best after getting a neck lift. Below is what you need to know about a neck lift, its risks, how to prepare, and what to expect during and after treatment.
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How do I prepare for a neck lift?
Preparing for a neck lift is necessary as it contributes to your results after the procedure. Because of this, you want to ensure you have done all you should before your surgeon schedules you for surgery. First, consult with your doctor to discuss your motivation behind the decision, goal, and expectation. During the consultation, your doctor will evaluate your medical history and do a physical exam to establish if you are an ideal candidate for surgery. For example, factors such as skin thickness affect the quality of results, and having a history of vascular disorders such as hemophilia may stand in your way of surgery.
What are the possible risks linked to a neck lift?
If you decide to proceed with the procedure, you should understand the risks and determine whether they are acceptable to you or not. Examples include:
· Poor wound healing
· Persistent swelling
· Scarring
· Temporary or permanent hair loss
· Infection
· Changes in skin sensation such as numbness
· Facial asymmetry
· Persistent pain
What does a neck lift procedure entail?
Like any other surgical procedure, numbing is necessary to make you comfortable and relaxed as the process is ongoing. Your surgeon can use local anesthesia to desensitize a particular part of your body for a neck lift. However, sometimes general anesthesia can be used to make you unconscious throughout the procedure. The type of sedation or anesthesia your specialist uses depends on what you agreed upon during the consultation. Through tiny incisions behind your ears and under the chin, the surgeon draws excess fat from those areas – a method known as liposuction.
Liposuction does not address loose skin but gives more definition to a fat neck. Therefore, patients whose problem is due to excess fat may benefit from liposuction. Your surgeon uses other approaches to pull your skin in a specific direction to fix any structural problems, making it firmer.
How is recovery like after surgery?
Swelling and bruising are some of the side effects you will have after surgery, and sometimes pain after the anesthesia wears off. You may need to support your neck using a special garment that compresses the neck to minimize swelling. During your recovery period, you may need to avoid prolonged sun exposure and wear loose clothes in the neck area to avoid added injuries on your surgical incisions. The swelling and bruising take several weeks or months to fade away, while incision lines may take up to 6 months to diminish.
Looking your best helps you feel your best too. Consult with your doctor at Rostami OPC to understand whether a neck lift is right for you.
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