What are the Main Steps of Managing and Caring for Wounds?

wound care

A wound is a condition caused by injuries from sharp and blunt objects, mainly on the skin. Every person is capable of getting wounds, including children. According to research, there are different types of wounds you can get, and they are characterized by the object of harm. The types of wounds include puncture, laceration, abrasion, and incised wounds. When you develop a wound, there is a need to perform a first-aid procedure before going to the doctor. First aid helps to stop bleeding and prevent germs and bacteria from entering the wound. For the best wound dressing, visit wound care in Humble specialists.

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The basic tips of wound management

Wounds can get infected by bacteria and germs very easily. Thus, there are several primary steps your doctor can follow to make sure the wound is in the proper condition. However, if you can take care of your wound until it heals, you can follow the steps too. Steps include;

  1. Hemostasis. Hemostasis is the process of stopping the wound from bleeding. According to specialists, there are those wounds that severely bleed, such as avulsion and amputation. After arriving in the hospital or the doctor’s office, your doctor will wear clean groves because bare hands can infect that wound. If the injury was severe to the extent the main blood vessels are torn, steps must be taken to block the blood vessels and stop bleeding. Efforts to stop bleeding include applying pressure to the wound, suturing, and elevation. Since the procedures might be painful, your doctor may inject you with a pain killer. Anesthesia can also be done for severe wounds.
  2. Cleaning the wound. After the bleeding has stopped, your doctor will clean the wound. The purpose of wound cleaning is to prevent infections and promote healing. Your doctor will wear other gloves. Water treated with disinfectant will be used to clean the wound. Some of the wounded tissues will be removed to give the doctor access to the interior part of the wound.
  3. Skin closure. After the wound is well cleaned, it will be closed for healing. For minor wounds, tissue adhesive glue can be used to close them. For severe wounds, sutures will be placed using a needle. The number of sutures to be used depends on the size and the length of the wound. Additionally, staples that are free from rust can be used for minor wounds.
  4. Wound follow-up. After the wound is closed, you can be given some medication to relieve pain as it heals. If you can take care of the wound, other drugs to apply on the wound will be offered. If the wound is very severe, you will be visiting your doctor for dressing.

After you get the wound, the primary step is to stop the bleeding. Severe bleeding can drain blood in your body, leading to suffocation or even death. Calvary Urgent Care center is the best hospital with qualified physicians for treating and managing any type of wound.


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