7 Warning Signs of Sciatica


Low back pain is the leading cause of significant disabilities worldwide. The musculoskeletal system supports the weight of the body and absorbs shock from strenuous activities. Back pain occurs due to several varied reasons. Herniated discs, orthopedic injuries, and sciatic nerve damage all cause mild to severe back pain. However, the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve that traverses from the spine through the buttock to the leg, is a cause of back pain many people ignore. The Center for the Functional Restoration of the Spine specializes in diagnosing and treating sciatica in Shrewsbury. The following guide imparts you with the warning signs of sciatica you need to watch out for and seek immediate treatment at the Center for the Functional Restoration of the Spine.

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is pain along the sciatic nerve as the result of lumbar nerve compressions. Osteoarthritis, intervertebral disk herniation, spinal stenosis, and spondylitis cause nerve root compressions. Sciatica portrays itself with irradiating pain from the buttock down to the front of the posterior of the leg. Symptoms worsen with the progression of nerve irritation.

Signs to watch out for

1. Lower back pain

This is the hallmark warning sign of sciatica. The sciatic nerve concentrates on the lower back, which explains why it is the primary source of pain. When a bony protrusion or a herniated disc pinches the sciatic nerve, then your body responds by irradiating pain. The pain is a stabbing pain rather than a localized pain. The pain intensifies as you move or bend your waist.

2. One-sided buttock pain

Another prevalent sign is buttock pain. The sciatic nerve passes through the buttocks, and its primary function is to relay impulses. If you feel the pain emanating from your butt while sitting or squatting, then it may be a sign of sciatica. Buttock pain may be localized and only affect one side of your butt. If so, you need to get accurate testing and diagnosis.

3. Burning sensation

Similar to an allergic reaction, sciatica evokes a burning sensation along the nerve. The pinched sciatica nerve causes signal distortion, which displays as a burning sensation.

4. Numbness

Sciatica causes numbness in the leg which is expected at night while sleeping. Distortion of impulse relay inhibits blood circulation along the sciatic nerve. When there is blood deprivation, your ligaments tend to become numb. Numbness is a sign of almost all neuropathic pain.

5. Contralateral leg pain

When you stretch your leg over in a cross-over position and the contralateral leg, and you feel a lancinating pain, then you may have sciatica. The leg test is the standard test doctors employ as a primary evaluation for sciatica. Combine this DIY teat with the slump test for efficacy.

6. Leg weakness

If you feel your legs giving in to the body’s weight when you stand, seek immediate medical attention. Borderline sciatica may cause immobility. However, treatment is available for leg weakness causing sciatica at renowned spine centers.

7. Leg pain when standing

You may feel a stabbing pain when you stand too quickly or maintain a prolonged standing posture. If the lower leg area is tingly, chances are you have sciatica.


Sciatica is a source of significant discomfort and impedes mobility in advanced stages. The warning signs above steer you in the right direction of seeking treatment. The innovative technologies doctors at the Center for the Functional Restoration of the Spine have proven efficacy and guarantee permanence. Make the noble decision by scheduling an appointment.


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