Types of Fibroids and the Risk Factors for Developing the Growths


Most women who have fibroids in McDonough have no idea of the growths developing on their reproductive organs. Fibroids are common, especially in women who are in their reproductive years. The growths may fail to have noticeable symptoms, allowing you to live your everyday life. However, sometimes the tumors may have severe symptoms that will destabilize your daily life. Fibroids also range in size. While some growths might appear like rice grains, others might grow extensively, giving your uterus a significant bulge.

What Are Your Risk Factors for Developing Fibroids?

It is not clear why fibroids appear suddenly on or in your uterus. Experts suggest that the tumors develop from abnormal cells in your uterus that multiply when they encounter estrogen, which enhances the growth of fibroids.

Factors likely to influence the growths’ development include:

· Family history

You will most likely have the growths if they run in your family. For instance, you are at a higher risk of having fibroids if your grandmother, mother, or sister had them.

· Pregnancy

Being pregnant increases your progesterone and estrogen production levels in your body. The hormones produced by your ovaries cause your uterine lining to regenerate every month during your menses, stimulating fibroids’ growth.

You may also be at a higher risk of developing tumors when obese, having high blood pressure, or eating a diet rich in red meat.

Types of Fibroids

Your gynecologist will identify the type of fibroids you may have depending on their location inside or outside your uterus. Fibroids types include:

· Subserosal fibroids

These growths form on your serosa- the area around your uterus. Subserosal fibroids may grow extensively, making your womb bulge on one side.

· Intramural fibroids

This type of fibroids is the most common. They appear in your uterus, within the uterine lining. Like subserosal fibroids, the intramural fibroids may also grow large, stretching your uterus.

· Pedunculated fibroids

These tumors grow with a slim base that supports them as they extend to a significant size.

· Submucosal fibroids

Unlike the other types of tumors, submucosal fibroids are the least common. However, when they appear, the growths will appear in the myometrium (middle layer) of your uterus.

How Will Your Doctor Diagnose Fibroids?

Your gynecologist is likely to detect the growths during your routine pelvic exam by pressing on your abdomen. To confirm the irregular mass, the medical professional may recommend the following tests:

· Pelvic ultrasound

During the test, your doctor will either press a transducer over your abdomen or insert it inside your vagina to get images of your internal organs using the sound waves.

· Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

The advanced imaging technology highly details your internal organs, allowing your healthcare provider to determine the characteristics and location of the growths.

· Hysteroscopy

The visual of your cervix’s canal and uterus using a hysteroscope gives your doctor a clear view of your reproductive organs. The device your doctor inserts through your vagina highlights the presence of growths if any and the extent of their development.

· Hysterosalpingography

Your doctor will recommend this X-ray type to check your uterus and fallopian tubes and see whether the growths might be blocking your pipes.

Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider to know more about fibroids.


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