Common Reasons Of Alcohol Addiction And How To Snap Out Of It

Alcohol Addiction

Can you name the most addictive substance consumed daily? You might answer nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, and so many other substances. But in reality, caffeine is the addictive substance that we consume in the form of tea. We can see many people in our family and friends who cannot seem to begin their day without a cup of tea. We might say that they are addicted to the tea, but that addiction is not harming them. People who were once smokers appear to do fine after they quit smoking. When it comes to alcohol, we witness many people lingering on to it more than ever.

Alcohol addiction does not discriminate and can surround anyone at any age. Multiple studies have been going on to find the cause of alcohol addiction, and it appears that there are numerous reasons. One of the reasons undermines the “biological factor.” Many people can control their urges to consume alcohol, while others continuously feel the need to repeat the behavior as the brain sends signals. Scientists have also discovered the association of 51 genes with alcohol dependence, which can pass on to generations. The “environmental factor” also plays a substantial role in alcohol addiction. Often, youngsters fall under the influence of their peer’s gathering and start drinking out of peer pressure.

Social factors also aid in the consumption of alcohol. We all have to move in a society that has a significant impact on our perceptions, belief, and culture on the whole. The influence we get from our surroundings can either lead to addiction or none at all. People who develop addiction undergo many physical and behavioral changes that lead to the deterioration of their well-being. Such individuals who are looking for ways to overcome this addiction can avail themselves of the services of shoreline recovery and become better individuals. Rehabilitation centers are one of the ways to overcome your alcohol addiction. Here are some other ways and methods to help you get past the addiction.

1. Set boundaries

Addiction can take hold of you in a few days, but getting out of it might take a year or more. If you are trying to snap out of your addiction, start it with reducing your quantity. You will experience the temptations to have more, but keeping your drinking goals for a day at someplace visible will help. The written text in large fonts will reinforce it for your brain to limit your consumption. Everything that starts with a little difficulty gets easier with perseverance and determination.

2. Change your company

If your colleagues and friends are interested in consuming alcohol while trying to stay out of it, try to change your circle. As a society, our actions get influenced by our peers and colleagues. They might urge you to share a little amount with them. Try to build new relations with people who are into healthy eating and can help you stay clean. Slow and gradual cut down will help you resist the urge and remind you of your remaining alcohol-free goals.

3. Meditate

Since alcohol alters our brain receptors and repeats the habit, it is best to train our brains. Meditation is one of the mindfulness workouts that strengthens your mind and body and clarifies your thoughts. Meditation has a rejuvenating effect on our brain cells, and it can help you practice the will of staying away from alcohol and curb your cravings. Exercises can help in overcoming the withdrawal symptoms in the initial stages of cutting down the consumption.

4. Seek counseling

Our thoughts have a significant impact on our behavior. As an addict, if you think that you cannot quit drinking, your mind will let you believe that way. Seeking an expert for cognitive behavioral therapy can guide you about changing your thinking patterns and modifying your actions. Treatments have helped many people overcome their addiction in their rehabilitation periods and after that. There are many chances of having a relapse. A counselor can help you stay safe from the deterioration by controlling your urges by changing your thoughts.

5. Go to rehabilitation centers.

The rehabilitation center offers a complete package of dealing with your addiction. They ll have their specified programs varying upon the extent of addiction. Their first step is to take you out of the influence and help you detox. Once the chemical ingredients flush out of our body and bloodstream, we can take off our minds of the craving. The rehab journey is not comfortable for those with severe addiction. Their withdrawal symptoms make it impossible to quit, but they get past it towards a sober lifestyle with expert help.

6. Remind yourself your goals

Remember that you are following the steps to overcome addiction because you wanted to do it. Many addicts decide to go sober either for their parents or their kids. Family holds the utmost importance in everyone’s life. If you ever feel the urge to drink or taste the alcohol, remind yourself of the reason that made you quit it. There will be many such moments where only your determination will save you from an alcohol relapse.

7. Practice yoga and exercise

Our mind is easy to manipulate. If you are feeling the impulse to drink again, divert your attention through physical exertion. Exercise is a quick source of oxygen boost and taking your mind away from the cravings. You can also register in some yoga classes that will help your body to recuperate from the physical consequences of prolonged alcohol consumption. Our body gets healthy or deteriorates based on our choices. Adapting to a healthy lifestyle with nutritious food and no alcohol can slow down many diseases. The liver is the main organ to get affected by alcohol. Avoiding alcohol can help you prevent liver cirrhosis and other deadly health conditions.


Alcohol addiction is an indispensable fact, but we can always be hopeful for our loved ones to recover from it. Many people fall victim to alcohol addiction out of loneliness, depression, or other psychological factors. Drug addicts need our support and motivation more than anyone else. They might want to quit their addiction but fall victim to the compulsion of their brain. In such cases, taking the person to a therapist or rehab helps a lot. They can learn what their strengths are and how they can use it to fight their cravings. Overcoming addiction is possible, but there is also a chance of relapse. Do not leave your loved once if they face a deterioration; instead, help them stand again and fight the addiction.


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