Herbal Medicines are Taking Over- Tips to Use them effectively
For thousands of years, herbal medicines are being used in various cultures and traditions. These medicines are widely trusted. They are being passed down to us by our ancestors for generations. They are found to be safer and preferred more than chemically prepared ones due to them being naturally made. Mother Nature is full of powerful healing properties, its single exposure can heal all ailments. Just like a human mother can heal a child’s discomfort with her soothing nature, Mother Nature’s properties have similar effects.
Herbal medicines are not only gentle by having fewer side effects, but they are also inexpensive and easy to find. Ancient cultures have been religiously relying on these medicines to cure diseases and improve one’s health. Some plants, however, like pharmaceutical medicines, have strong ingredients and have to be taken with caution, any imbalances might be lethal.
Some herbal medicines are comprised of active ingredients. These ingredients, according to herbal specialists, would prove to be harmful if prepared separately from the whole plant. Therefore, the medicines are prepared by using the entire plant or most of the active ingredients of the plant. This way, they would not lose their impact or become unsafe to use due to the ingredients being too harsh.
Although herbs are thought to be beneficial and don’t have any dangerous effects, they do possess harmful active ingredients. Let’s take a look at the benefits, risks, and some popular herbs.
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Benefits of Herbal Medication
Herbal medicines offer various health benefits, and adding them to your routine may not be a bad idea. For starters, they will improve your health and general wellbeing. You will feel fresher each day when your insides are being taken care of naturally by Mother Nature itself. They have natural healing properties and can cure all sorts of diseases, from cancer to depression, they are all-rounders.
Common Herbs
The kratom plant has been used as a traditional recreational drug for centuries. It is used as a euphoriant to improve one’s mood; its leaves are either chewed or brewed for tea. This plant is also an excellent booster for one’s physical stamina. This plant is extremely beneficial as it treats several different diseases. The list is long, but to name a few diseases that could be cured are; depression, anxiety, diabetes, diarrhea, etc. You can buy kratom.us and get relieved from a lot of problems that could occur in your health life. It also improves one’s sexual performance and is also used for high blood pressure.
Its side effects, however, include nausea, constipation, hallucinations. Excessive use of Kratom causes seizures, brain swelling, and breathing issues.
Evening Primrose
The oil extracted from this bright yellow plant has multiple benefits. It can reduce premenstrual symptoms (PMS), clear acne, reduce blood pressure, improve heart condition, and reduce arthritis symptoms too. This plant is found in North and South America and also grown in Europe and Asia. The side effects of this herb include diarrhea, headaches, upset stomach, and nausea.
It is the most commonly found herb. It is present in everyone’s kitchen cabinets, and almost all cuisines use it. It is usually used to treat high cholesterol, cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, and prostate cancer. However, eating garlic directly, especially when raw, can cause burning in the throat, unpleasant breath, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.
Since herbs are natural and easily available without prescriptions, it doesn’t mean they should be used without precautions. They can be as lethal as chemically made medicines if not taken with care or overdosed. We have listed down some tips to use these medicines effectively so you would heal safely. Remember, “Natural” is not a synonym of “safe.”
How to Use Herbal Medicines Effectively
Read the Description
The first tip for using herbal medicines effectively is to read their description before buying them. Descriptions, filled with exaggeration of the herb’s qualities, are typically a red flag. If something seems too good to be real, it is most probably not real. Such medicines should be well avoided because quick results mean something isn’t right.
Proofs Not Stories
You must have heard that your neighbor’s husband’s cousin used a typical herbal medicine and got her desired results. Be it a cure for illnesses or growth, one medicine may not give the same results to everyone. Everyone has a different body, which may work for them, might not work for you. Don’t go after stories as they are not scientific proofs to help you decide in taking them. The next step will tell you about the reliable source you should trust.
Talk to Your Provider or Practitioner
Talk to your practitioner about the herbal medicine you want to use and tell him your current medical history. Your practitioner will be able to guide you correctly and recommend changes in your medicines for the herb to work. In some cases, they may discourage its use due to its toxicity or your health’s condition. It is safer to trust a practitioner to avoid any mishaps than listen to your neighbor.
Body Responses, Doses, and Other Medications
Sometimes some herbs make your head spin or cause nausea. If any sort of side effects are mild, try retaking them, either alone or with some food. If your body responds negatively, it’s because the herb is not working for you. Sometimes herb doesn’t work for some people. There are plenty of reasons for them not to work. It can either be because you are taking other medication, and it’s preventing the herb from doing its job. But sometimes it just doesn’t go with certain people. Herbal medicines should never be overdosed, natural does not mean safe hence should be taken with precautions. Overdosing may also lead to death.
Although herbal medicines are used for centuries, they are not your normal medicines. They require as much precaution and care in usage as pharmaceutical drugs require. Some herbs may prove to be deadly if overdosed; hence need to be taken with caution. Every herb requires a practitioner’s advice before its consumption.
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