What Causes Pelvic Pain, Treatments, Everything You Should Know

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is a common problem in women experienced in the lower abdomen area. Several factors affect its occurrence, including gynecological conditions, among other health issues. It is advisable to visit a health specialist to understand the cause of your problem and get the right treatments. If you are experiencing pelvic pain, Darin Swainston, MD, FACOG might have a solution. The Summerlin pelvic pain specialist Dr. Swainston takes an advanced and comprehensive approach to diagnose and treat pelvic pain to alleviate your symptoms and restore your health. To schedule your consultation, call the office today or book online.

Keep reading to learn more about pelvic pain.

Pelvic pain refers to lower abdominal pain. It can happen in both men and women. Its occurrence may vary between patients. It may be acute or severe and can occur regularly or periodically, such as during menstruation or sexual intercourse. Your provider may diagnose your pelvic pain as chronic when it lasts for six months or more.

Causes of Pelvic Pain

There are various diseases and health conditions that can cause pelvic pain. Pelvic pain can also arise from different body systems, including reproductive, urinary, and digestive systems. Muscles and connective tissues can also be a cause of chronic pelvic pain. However, in women, pelvic pain may result from a reproductive issue.

Conditions of the reproductive system that may cause pelvic pain include:

· Ectopic pregnancy

· Uterine fibroids

· Ovarian cysts

· Endometriosis

· Miscarriages

· Pelvic inflammatory disease

· Ovarian/cervix/uterus cancer

· Menstrual cramps

· Ovulation

Other conditions that may cause pelvic pain are:

· Constipation

· Kidney stones

· Irritable bowel syndrome

· Appendicitis

· Colon cancer

· Fibromyalgia

· Diverticulitis

· Gallbladder infections

· Ulcerative colitis

· Prostatitis

· Urinary tract infections

Symptoms associated with pelvic pain:

· Vaginal bleeding or discharge

· Fever

· Pain in the hip/groin area

· Bloating

· Menstrual pain

· Painful urination

· Blood in your bowel movement


Pelvic pain diagnosis includes a symptoms evaluation, medical history review, physical exam, and other tests. It is necessary to determine the cause of your problem. Your provider may also perform other tests such as:

· Blood and urine tests

· X-ray at the pelvic area

· Laparoscopy

· Vaginal cultures to check for STDs

· Pregnancy tests

· Hysteroscopy

· Ultrasound

· Lower endoscopy

· CT scan


The treatment starts with identifying the cause of your pelvic pain. Your provider then designs a customized treatment plan to address your concerns.

The treatments prescribed may depend on the cause of the pain, its severity, and its frequent occurrence. They may include lifestyle modifications, medications, physical therapy, and surgery.

Darin Swainston, FACOG uses the latest technology, including robotic-assisted surgical procedures, to offer the most effective treatments for pelvic pain. The surgical procedures may include hysterectomy, endometriosis resection, and assisted lysis of adhesions.

Dr. Swaiston offers minimally invasive procedures associated with fewer complications, more comfortable, and faster recovery.

Bottom Line

Pelvic pain disrupts your daily activities and lowers your quality of life. Finding the cause of your pelvic pain helps get you the right treatment and alleviate your symptoms. Dr. Swainston offers a thorough diagnosis to determine the cause and develop individualized treatment.

Do not allow pelvic pain to interfere with your life. Contact Dr. Swainston to get your desired help. Call the office or book online today to schedule your consultation.


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